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Example applications for PLaN Framework

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The Processing Language in a Natural way (PLaN) Framwork is an abstraction of how to approach NLP problems and isolate the various aspects that influence the success of an NLP application. More info can be found at

Installation / Dev Environment

All of the source code can be found within the /src folder.

  • The main NLP app is wrapped in a Flask app to be served in a sandboxed, reproducible way with docker.
  • The front-end is developed with React to improve server load and UI/UX.
  • Pytests are written to test backend functionality (/src/tests).
  • Cypress tests are written to test front-end functionality (/e2e).

To build the front-end, run:

# sudo apt install nodejs npm
make install-front  # Install npm dependencies
make build-front    # Builds and bundles front-end into /src/app/static/js/bundle.js

There are two images that can be built from the Dockerfile, nlp-web:latest and nlp-web:debug. The latest tag denotes the more production-ready version of the web app. The debug tag represents the dev test image equipped with pytest dependencies. To build either image, run:

make build        # Build 'latest'
make build-test   # Build 'debug'

To start the application at http://localhost:8000, run:

make up

To stop and remove the application, run:

make clean

To run tests, run:

make test         # Run pytests
make test-front   # Run cypress tests

Useful Resources

AWS Resources