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nikki93 edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 17 revisions

A listing of all the GameObject types (native, and Blender ‘prefabs’) in GraLL 2. Each page contains a list of properties of the object you can set in Blender, the Python events that you can listen for in the object’s script, and Python methods (member functions) and properties (not to be confused with the Blender properties, Python properties are essentially ‘member variables’) it exposes. The Common GameObject Functionality page has a list of common functionality that most types provide. The pages linked to below only show any additional functionality.

Native types

These are written in C++, with a Python API exposed, and fire events (if scriptable). You must understand the difference between ‘scriptable’ and ‘exposed to script’. ‘scriptable’ means you can attach a Python script to the object, with code to be executed at events it fires. ‘exposed to script’ means you can manipulate (or retreive information about) the object through Python.

b – Available in Blender
r – Whether Brush (shape editable in Blender)
s – Python scriptable (can write scripts through ‘script’ Blender property)
e – Exposed to script (object.getName() etc.)

Player b,s,e
StaticBrush b,r,s,e
Light b
CameraHandler b,s,e
Point b,e
Trigger b,r,s,e
RigidBody b,r,s,e
MovingBrush b,r,s,e
Director b,s,e
Crate b,s,e
MessageBox e
Bomb b,s,e
Ice b,s,e
SlidingBrush b,r,s,e
Checkpoint b,s,e
MovingBomb b,s,e
Switch b,s,e
Controller b,s,e
Teleporter b,s,e
Pickup b,r?,s,e
Bullet b,s,e
Turret b,s,e
Empty b,r?,s,e
FallingBrush b,r?,s,e
OneWay b,r,s,e
Magnet b,s,e

Blender prefabs

These build on the native objects above. They’re just a native object coupled with a script to create a new type. They’re good examples of how you can use the scripting system to make fun stuff. Since some of the functionality is written in Python, all of them are necessarily Blender available, scriptable, and exposed to script (‘b,s,e’ from previous list).

r – Whether Brush (shape editable in Blender)

Door r
KeyR, KeyG, KeyB
Acid r
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