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Nikolaos Grammatikos edited this page Mar 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Arguments between <> (ex <amount>) are mandatory while ones between [] (ex. [type]) are optionals.

User commands

Command Description Aliases
/money Display your account's current balance. /m, /balance
/money pay <amount> <player> Pay an amount to a player. The transaction will only succeed if your account has at least the given amount plus any taxes that apply, and the receiving account has enough capacity for the amount. none
/money withdraw <amount> Withdraw an amount from chest storage into inventory. none
/money deposit <amount> Deposit an amount from inventory into chest storage. none

Admin commands

Command Description Aliases
/moneyadmin b <account> Get the balance of a player's account. none
/moneyadmin add <amount> <account> [type] Add an amount of money to a player's account. none
/moneyadmin rm <amount> <account> [type] Remove an amount of money from a player's account. none
/gringotts reload Reload Gringotts config.yml and messages.yml and apply any changed settings. none
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