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Merge pull request #105 from MarkGillespie/BFF
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MarkGillespie committed Dec 20, 2021
2 parents da07581 + d6dce50 commit aa14bef
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104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions docs/docs/surface/algorithms/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
This section describes the algorithms in geometry-central for surface parameterization, which compute maps from surfaces meshes to the plane.

Note that these procedures all depend on the _intrinsic_ geometry of a surface (via the `IntrinsicGeometryInterface`). Therefore, these routines can be run on abstract geometric domains as well as traditional surfaces in 3D.

## Boundary First Flattening
![parameterized face](/media/bff.png){: style="max-width: 15em; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"}
This algorithm is described in the paper [Boundary First Flattening]( It computes a _conformal_ parameterization of a surface mesh, allowing the user to specify target angles or scale factors along the boundary of the mesh. The input mesh must be a topological disk.

`#include "geometrycentral/surface/boundary_first_flattening.h"`

### Single Parameterizations

A one-off utility function is provided to compute single parameterizations. Repeated parameterizations of the same mesh can be computed more efficiently using the utility class `BFF` below.

#include "geometrycentral/surface/boundary_first_flattening.h"
#include "geometrycentral/surface/meshio.h"

// Load a mesh
std::unique_ptr<ManifoldSurfaceMesh> mesh;
std::unique_ptr<VertexPositionGeometry> geometry;
std::tie(mesh, geometry) = readManifoldSurfaceMesh(filename);

VertexData<Vector2> parameterization = parameterizeBFF(*mesh, *geometry);
??? func "`#!cpp VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFF(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geom)`"
Conformally parameterize the input mesh. Picks boundary conditions to minimize area distortion (i.e. sets the conformal scale factor to 0 along the boundary).
??? func "`#!cpp VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFFfromScaleFactors(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geom, const VertexData<double>& boundaryScaleFactors)`"
Conformally parameterize the input mesh, setting the scale factors to the given values along the boundary.
Although `boundaryScaleFactors` is a `VertexData` object which stores values at all vertices, only the values at boundary vertices are used by the algorithm. All other values are ignored.
??? func "`#!cpp VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFFfromExteriorAngles(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geom, const VertexData<double>& exteriorAngles)`"
Conformally parameterize the input mesh so that the boundary vertices of the parameterized mesh have the given exterior angles. The exterior angles must sum up to $2\pi$ along the boundary.
Although `exteriorAngles` is a `VertexData` object which stores values at all vertices, only the values at boundary vertices are used by the algorithm. All other values are ignored.
### Repeated Parameterization
The stateful class `BFF` does precomputation when constructed to efficiently compute many parameterizations of the same mesh.
#include "geometrycentral/surface/boundary_first_flattening.h"
#include "geometrycentral/surface/meshio.h"
// Load a mesh
std::unique_ptr<ManifoldSurfaceMesh> mesh;
std::unique_ptr<VertexPositionGeometry> geometry;
std::tie(mesh, geometry) = readManifoldSurfaceMesh(filename);
VertexData<double> boundaryScaleFactors = /* target scale factors */;
VertexData<double> exteriorAngles = /* target exteriorAngles */;
BFF bff(*mesh, *geometry);
VertexData<Vector2> parameterization1 = bff.flattenFromScaleFactors(boundaryScaleFactors);
VertexData<Vector2> parameterization2 = bff.flattenFromExteriorAngles(exteriorAngles);

??? func "`#!cpp BFF::BFF(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geom)`"

Create a new solver for boundary first flattening. Most precomputation is done immediately when the object is constructed, although some additional precomputation may be done lazily later on.

??? func "`#!cpp VertexData<Vector2> BFF::flatten()`"

Compute a conformal parameterization which minimizes area distortion (i.e. sets the scale factor to 0 along the boundary).

??? func "`#!cpp VertexData<Vector2> BFF::flattenFromScaleFactors(const VertexData<double>& boundaryScaleFactors)`"

Compute a conformal parameterization with the given scale factor along the boundary.
Although `boundaryScaleFactors` is a `VertexData` object which stores values at all vertices, only the values at boundary vertices are used by the algorithm. All other values are ignored.

??? func "`#!cpp VertexData<Vector2> BFF::flattenFromExteriorAngles(const VertexData<double>& exteriorAngles)`"

Compute a conformal parameterization with the given exterior angles along the boundary. The exterior angles must sum up to $2\pi$ along the boundary.

Although `exteriorAngles` is a `VertexData` object which stores values at all vertices, only the values at boundary vertices are used by the algorithm. All other values are ignored.

### Citation

If this algorithm contributes to academic work, please cite the following paper:

author = {Sawhney, Rohan and Crane, Keenan},
title = {Boundary First Flattening},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
volume = {37},
number = {1},
month = dec,
year = {2017},
issn = {0730-0301},
pages = {5:1--5:14},
articleno = {5},
numpages = {14},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3132705},
acmid = {3132705},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA}
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/mkdocs.yml
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ nav:
- 'Mesh Graph Algorithms' : 'surface/algorithms/'
- 'Robust Geometry' : 'surface/algorithms/'
- 'Flip Geodesics' : 'surface/algorithms/'
- 'Parameterization' : 'surface/algorithms/'
- Intrinsic Triangulations:
- 'Basics' : 'surface/intrinsic_triangulations/'
- 'Common Subdivision' : 'surface/intrinsic_triangulations/'
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52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions include/geometrycentral/surface/boundary_first_flattening.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#pragma once

#include "geometrycentral/numerical/linear_algebra_utilities.h"
#include "geometrycentral/numerical/linear_solvers.h"
#include "geometrycentral/surface/intrinsic_geometry_interface.h"
#include "geometrycentral/surface/manifold_surface_mesh.h"

namespace geometrycentral {
namespace surface {

VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFF(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo);
VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFFfromScaleFactors(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo,
const VertexData<double>& boundaryScaleFactors);
VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFFfromExteriorAngles(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo,
const VertexData<double>& exteriorAngles);

class BFF {
BFF(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh_, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo_);

VertexData<Vector2> flatten();
VertexData<Vector2> flattenFromScaleFactors(const VertexData<double>& uBdy);
VertexData<Vector2> flattenFromExteriorAngles(const VertexData<double>& kBdy);
VertexData<Vector2> flattenFromBoth(const Vector<double>& uBdy, const Vector<double>& kBdy);

Vector<double> dirichletToNeumann(const Vector<double>& uBdy);
Vector<double> neumannToDirichlet(const Vector<double>& kBdy);

std::array<Vector<double>, 2> computeBoundaryPositions(const Vector<double>& uBdy, const Vector<double>& kBdy);

ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh;
IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo;
VertexData<size_t> vIdx;
VertexData<int> iIdx, bIdx;

SparseMatrix<double> L, Lii, Lib, Lbb;
std::unique_ptr<PositiveDefiniteSolver<double>> Liisolver;
std::unique_ptr<PositiveDefiniteSolver<double>> Lsolver;
Vector<double> Omegai, Omegab;

Vector<bool> isInterior;
size_t nInterior, nBoundary, nVertices;

BlockDecompositionResult<double> Ldecomp;

void ensureHaveLSolver();

} // namespace surface
} // namespace geometrycentral
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/CMakeLists.txt
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ SET(SRCS

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ SET(HEADERS
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205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions src/surface/boundary_first_flattening.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
#include "geometrycentral/surface/boundary_first_flattening.h"

namespace geometrycentral {
namespace surface {

VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFF(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo) {
BFF bff(mesh, geo);
return bff.flatten();

VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFFfromScaleFactors(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo,
const VertexData<double>& boundaryScaleFactors) {
BFF bff(mesh, geo);
return bff.flattenFromScaleFactors(boundaryScaleFactors);

VertexData<Vector2> parameterizeBFFfromExteriorAngles(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo,
const VertexData<double>& exteriorAngles) {
BFF bff(mesh, geo);
return bff.flattenFromExteriorAngles(exteriorAngles);

BFF::BFF(ManifoldSurfaceMesh& mesh_, IntrinsicGeometryInterface& geo_) : mesh(mesh_), geo(geo_) {

GC_SAFETY_ASSERT(mesh.eulerCharacteristic() == 2 && mesh.nBoundaryLoops() == 1,
"Input to BFF must be a topological disk");

vIdx = mesh.getVertexIndices();
iIdx = VertexData<int>(mesh, -1);
bIdx = VertexData<int>(mesh, -1);


L = geo.cotanLaplacian;

isInterior = Vector<bool>(mesh.nVertices());
size_t iB = 0, iI = 0;
for (Vertex v : mesh.vertices()) {
if (v.isBoundary()) {
bIdx[v] = iB++;
isInterior(vIdx[v]) = false;
} else {
iIdx[v] = iI++;
isInterior(vIdx[v]) = true;
nVertices = mesh.nVertices();
nInterior = mesh.nInteriorVertices();
nBoundary = nVertices - nInterior;

SparseMatrix<double> L = geo.cotanLaplacian;
shiftDiagonal(L, 1e-12);

Ldecomp = blockDecomposeSquare(L, isInterior);

Lii = Ldecomp.AA;
Lib = Ldecomp.AB;
Lbb = Ldecomp.BB;

// TODO: extract this factorization from a full factorization of L
Liisolver.reset(new PositiveDefiniteSolver<double>(Lii));

Omegai = Vector<double>(nInterior);
Omegab = Vector<double>(nBoundary);
for (Vertex v : mesh.vertices()) {
if (v.isBoundary()) {
Omegab(bIdx[v]) = M_PI - geo.vertexAngleSums[v];
} else {
Omegai(iIdx[v]) = 2 * M_PI - geo.vertexAngleSums[v];

VertexData<Vector2> BFF::flatten() {
VertexData<double> u(mesh, 0);
return flattenFromScaleFactors(u);

VertexData<Vector2> BFF::flattenFromScaleFactors(const VertexData<double>& uData) {
// Extract boundary values
Vector<double> uBdy, ignore;
decomposeVector(Ldecomp, uData.toVector(), ignore, uBdy);

// Compute complementary data
Vector<double> kBdy = dirichletToNeumann(uBdy);

// Flatten
return flattenFromBoth(uBdy, kBdy);

VertexData<Vector2> BFF::flattenFromExteriorAngles(const VertexData<double>& kData) {
// Extract boundary values
Vector<double> kBdy, ignore;
decomposeVector(Ldecomp, kData.toVector(), ignore, kBdy);

GC_SAFETY_ASSERT(abs(kBdy.sum() - 2 * M_PI) < 1e-3,
"BFF error: target exterior angles must sum to 2 pi, but the input sums to " +

// Compute complementary data
Vector<double> uBdy = neumannToDirichlet(kBdy);

// Flatten
return flattenFromBoth(uBdy, kBdy);

VertexData<Vector2> BFF::flattenFromBoth(const Vector<double>& uBdy, const Vector<double>& kBdy) {

Vector<double> boundaryX, boundaryY;
std::tie(boundaryX, boundaryY) = tuple_cat(computeBoundaryPositions(uBdy, kBdy));

Vector<double> interiorX = Liisolver->solve(-Lib * boundaryX);
Vector<double> interiorY = Liisolver->solve(-Lib * boundaryY);

VertexData<Vector2> parm(mesh);
for (Vertex v : mesh.vertices()) {
if (v.isBoundary()) {
size_t iV = bIdx[v];
parm[v] = Vector2{boundaryX(iV), boundaryY(iV)};
} else {
size_t iV = iIdx[v];
parm[v] = Vector2{interiorX(iV), interiorY(iV)};

return parm;

Vector<double> BFF::dirichletToNeumann(const Vector<double>& uBdy) {
return Omegab - (Lib.transpose() * Liisolver->solve(Omegai - Lib * uBdy)) - Lbb * uBdy;

Vector<double> BFF::neumannToDirichlet(const Vector<double>& kBdy) {
// Convert Neumann data to Dirichlet data by solving the Poisson equation and reading off values
Vector<double> rhs = reassembleVector(Ldecomp, Omegai, Vector<double>(Omegab - kBdy));
Vector<double> fullSolution = -Lsolver->solve(rhs);
Vector<double> uBdy, ignore;
decomposeVector(Ldecomp, fullSolution, ignore, uBdy);
double uMean = uBdy.mean(); // Ensure that u has mean 0
for (int i = 0; i < uBdy.size(); i++) uBdy(i) -= uMean;
return uBdy;

std::array<Vector<double>, 2> BFF::computeBoundaryPositions(const Vector<double>& uBdy, const Vector<double>& kBdy) {

auto src = [](Edge e) { return e.halfedge().vertex(); };
auto dst = [](Edge e) { return e.halfedge().next().vertex(); };


double phi = 0;

std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> Ntriplets;
Vector<double> targetLength(nBoundary);
DenseMatrix<double> T(2, nBoundary);

for (BoundaryLoop b : mesh.boundaryLoops()) {
for (Edge e : b.adjacentEdges()) {
int iV = bIdx[src(e)];
GC_SAFETY_ASSERT(0 <= iV && iV < (int)nBoundary, "invalid boundary vertex index");

targetLength(iV) = geo.edgeLengths[e] * exp(0.5 * (uBdy(bIdx[src(e)]) + uBdy(bIdx[dst(e)])));

T(0, iV) = cos(phi);
T(1, iV) = sin(phi);

Ntriplets.emplace_back(iV, iV, geo.edgeLengths[e]);

phi += kBdy(bIdx[dst(e)]);

SparseMatrix<double> Ninv(nBoundary, nBoundary);
Ninv.setFromTriplets(std::begin(Ntriplets), std::end(Ntriplets));

Vector<double> roundedLength =
targetLength - Ninv * T.transpose() * (T * Ninv * T.transpose()).inverse() * T * targetLength;

std::array<Vector<double>, 2> bdyPositions{Vector<double>(nBoundary), Vector<double>(nBoundary)};
double x = 0, y = 0;
for (BoundaryLoop b : mesh.boundaryLoops()) {
for (Edge e : b.adjacentEdges()) {
size_t iV = bIdx[src(e)];

bdyPositions[0](iV) = x;
bdyPositions[1](iV) = y;

x += roundedLength(iV) * T(0, iV);
y += roundedLength(iV) * T(1, iV);

return bdyPositions;

void BFF::ensureHaveLSolver() {
if (!Lsolver) {
Lsolver.reset(new PositiveDefiniteSolver<double>(L));
} // namespace surface
} // namespace geometrycentral

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