Internet radio player with comic figure as music visualizer.
This app plays internet radio streams. The app is a fork of the WebRadio app - but with a changed editor, a focus on rock music and a comic music visualization. The design of the app has been renewed and some new features and corrections have been added (night mode, power saving, Notification Channel since android 8). By modifying the code a backwards compatibility back to Android 4.1 was reached.
A signed (but old) APK file can also be found here.
SHA1 a2d34276db342f1ee12a3723a48560ef546e3324
Credits to
- Starcommander for the original WebRadio.
- GautamChibde for awesome
- Leela for a telugu translation. This language is spoken by 81 million people in South India.
Without a worldwide cooperation via Github and FOSS (free open source software), that ALL would not be possible!