Now for something a little different. 0x2262c96b is
loaded into memory in the main function. Examine byte-
wise the memory that the constant is loaded in by
using the GDB command x/4xb addr. The flag is the
four bytes as they are stored in memory. If you find the
bytes 0x11 0x22 0x33 0x44 in the memory location, your
flag would be: picoCTF{0x11223344}.
Debug this.
sudo chmod +x debugger0_c
gdb --args ./debugger0_c
layout asm
A breakpoint was made with b *(main+25)
because that was after the memory load. The addr in this case would be rbp. Since this is little endian 4 bytes will be subtracted from the base pointer (rbp). So the command will go from x/4xb $rbp
to x/4xb-4 $rbp
After running with the command run
in gdb with the breakpoint then you can retreive the bytes stored in memory with this command x/4xb-4 $rbp
to get the flag.
0x6b 0x.. 0x.. 0x22
x/4xb: The x stands for the examination of memory in gdb. The 4 shows how many bytes will be displayed. The x after the / means that it will show it in hex. The b means that it will be displayed in bytes.
Flag: picoCTF{0x6b...22}