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The (useless probably) Python library for giving something multiple variables


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Crumbly Library is a Python library designed to provide a versatile and user-friendly way of storing and managing multiple variables within a single object. This library offers the Crumb class, which acts as a container for various key-value pairs, akin to a dictionary. The library aims to simplify the management of data and provide easy-to-use methods for manipulation, conversion, and serialization.

Oh yeah also this was the first name that came to mind, and it kinda.... sucks. Can't think of a better one tho


  • Flexible Storage: Crumb objects allow you to store multiple variables using key-value pairs, similar to a dictionary, providing a convenient way to organize related data.

  • Easy Access: With intuitive methods such as __getattr__, accessing values stored in a Crumb is seamless, reducing the need for verbose code.

  • Dynamic Attributes: Accessing attributes of a Crumb object is done by simply using attribute notation, making the code more readable and concise.

  • Dynamic Modification: The library provides methods for adding, modifying, and deleting key-value pairs within the Crumb object, allowing for dynamic data manipulation.

  • Serialization: Crumb objects can be converted into JSON format using the makeJSON method, and vice versa using the crumbFromJSON class method, facilitating data serialization and deserialization.

  • Convenience Methods: The library includes various convenient methods for retrieving keys, values, items, copying, checking for key existence, and more.


To use the Crumbly Library, you can download it off of PyPI using pip install crumbly


Stable release

Download the provided ZIP file in the Releases page ( and include the file from inside the ZIP in your project directory. Then, simply import the Crumb class into your Python code.

Unstable release

Download from the Code section of this page, and include it in your project directory. Then, simply import the Crumb class into your Python code.


from crumbly import Crumb


Creating a Crumb Object

To create a Crumb object, you can initialize it with key-value pairs as arguments:

my_crumb = Crumb(name="Alice", age=30, city="Wonderland")

Accessing Values

Values stored in a Crumb object can be accessed using attribute notation:

print(  # Output: Alice
print(my_crumb.age)   # Output: 30

Modifying and Deleting Values

You can modify existing values or add new key-value pairs using the addData method:

my_crumb.addData("job", "Adventurer")
my_crumb.age = 31

To delete a key-value pair:



You can convert a Crumb object into a JSON string using the makeJSON method:

json_data = my_crumb.makeJSON()

And deserialize a JSON string back into a Crumb object using the crumbFromJSON class method:

restored_crumb = Crumb.crumbFromJSON(json_data)

Other Useful Methods

  • len(my_crumb): Get the number of key-value pairs in the Crumb object.
  • my_crumb.keys(): Get a list of keys in the Crumb object.
  • my_crumb.values(): Get a list of values in the Crumb object.
  • my_crumb.items(): Get a list of key-value tuples in the Crumb object.
  • my_crumb.copy(): Create a copy of the Crumb object.
  • my_crumb.has_key("name"): Check if a key exists in the Crumb object.
  • my_crumb.clear(): Remove all key-value pairs from the Crumb object.


Contributions to the Crumbly Library are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.


This library is provided under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Disclaimer: The "Crumbly Library" is intended for educational and experimental purposes and might not be suitable for production use. Use it at your own discretion.


No, YOU used ChatGPT to make this readme

I did change the installation part from the generated version quite a bit though