Send data to ThingSpeak from a Windows PowerShell Script
ThingSpeak is an open source Internet of Things application and API to store and retrieve data from anything using HTTP over the Internet or via a Local Area Network.
- Sign Up for New User Account -
- Create a new Channel by selecting Channels, My Channels, and then New Channel
- Copy and save the ThingSpeak Write API Key and enter it into the PowerShell Script
When this script executes, freespace.ps1 will report the free space of the disk drive to a ThingSpeak Channel.
- Place the freespace.ps1 Windows PowerShell script on your desktop computer / server
- Make sure you set the correct drive letter, such as "C:" or "D:"
- Make sure to enter your ThingSpeak Wite API Key for your Channel
The following links were helpful in creating and implementing my PowerShell scripts: