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Initial Status of New Features

npryce edited this page Jun 8, 2011 · 1 revision

The default initial status is new. You can specify the initial status of a new feature on the command line -s option to the deft create command. That's not convenient if you always want to use the same status for new features. In that case, you can configure the tracker's default initial status, either when you initialse the tracker or later, with the deft configure command.

For example, the following command initialises a tracker to create new issues with a status of unapproved:

% deft init --initial-status unapproved
initialised Deft tracker

The following command configures an existing tracker to behave the same way.

% deft configure --initial-status unapproved

Note that configuring the initial feature status of an existing tracker will not change the status of any features in the tracker that have the old initial status.