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Developer Onboarding Guide

xan-ntgmg edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 6 revisions

Developer Onboarding Guide

This page details information regarding environment setup, team conventions and best practices, and resource links. If you have any additional questions feel free to shoot me an email at

1. Permissions (30 minutes)

  • Ensure that you are a member of the ntgmg-devs organization on GitHub. Request access or shoot me an email with the subject Developer Onboarding.

2. Development Environment Setup (2 hours)

  • This project is written in Ruby 💎 (wondering about emojis - check out the supported list here). Read and follow the setup instructions in guidelines detailed here.

3. Team Onboarding

  • Familiarize yourself with our team principles
  • Familiarize yourself with our team processes

4. Project Onboarding

  • Read the working backwards page for this project.