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Principles for Software Development

xan-ntgmg edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Team Principles for Software Development (Unless you know better ones)

We put customers first

Our decisions are weighted most heavily on customer impact. We embrace changing requirements and strive to deliver the best overall customer experience.

We understand our tools

We understand the tools and technologies that we use to build our software. We understand and follow best practices, and own the outcomes of our decisions.

We synergize

We understand that we can deliver far more as a team than we can as individuals. We actively and transparently collaborate with one another. We share lessons learned, best practices, and processes (includes things like resource links - scripts - etc.)

We are value driven

We measure our effectiveness as a team by delivered working software. We move quickly and focus on improving customer experience, not perfecting it.

We raise the bar

We understand that quality drives agility. We actively improve our team's software, processes, and best practices. We seek constant feedback and turn our weaknesses into strengths.

We abstract and simplify

We seek to accomplish the most with the least. We understand when and where to avoid complexity and fine-grained details. We simplify problems, and leverage existing solutions.

We leave breadcrumbs

We capture our knowledge for others to leverage. We solve problems once - and document our solutions.