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Scripted responses

Inessa Pawson edited this page Jun 16, 2022 · 8 revisions

To consistently maintain respectful and welcoming communication, reduce potential bias and errors, and facilitate DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself) principle, we decided to create a collection of scripted responses for recurring project needs.

If you are an active NumPy contributor, consider adding some of these responses in your GitHub account’s saved replies as they might prove useful in reviewing issues and PRs and otherwise supporting our community members.

The suggested scripted responses can be long and detailed. This is because we aim to offer support without assuming a level of experience or intent the community member we are addressing might have.

There is still room for you to tweak and personalize your message. The purpose of creating this collection is not to set rigid communication constraints but to make it easier not to miss the minimum amount of information and consistently facilitate the respectful and welcoming interactions we aspire to maintain across the NumPy project.

Scripted responses

Starting contributing to NumPy

Have a look at the issues in the issue tracker that are up to 12 months old, and see if there is anything you would like to work on. The ones labeled “documentation” and “bug” would be the best place to start. With bugs, reproducing a bug and documenting it in a comment below the issue would already be of tremendous help.

Once you decide what you’d like to focus on, I recommend first reading the NumPy Contributing Guidelines and watching the videos created by our team to assist new NumPy contributors. This should help you to understand the workflow and hopefully answer most of your questions about contributing to NumPy.

If you run into any issues or have questions related to the task you are working on, please post your message in the comments section and tag me in it.


Response to a request to assign an issue

NumPy doesn't assign issues. Just dive right in! No permission needed. Please link to this issue in your pull request, which will cause a link to appear here and will signify to others that you are working on it.

Pull Requests

Merging someone's first-time pull request

Hi-five on merging your first pull request to NumPy! We hope you stick around! Your choices aren’t limited to programming – you can review pull requests, help us stay on top of new and old issues, develop educational material, work on our website, add or improve graphic design, create marketing materials, translate website content, write grant proposals, and help with other fundraising initiatives. For more info, check out: Also, consider joining our mailing list. This is a great way to connect with other cool people in our community and be part of important conversations that affect the development of NumPy:

Request to rebase

Hi, it looks like we need to rebase your code to include changes that have since occurred in the main repository. Would you like to do this yourself, or would you like us to do this for you? I’m asking because a rebase can get a bit fiddly and not everyone likes doing it. 😉

If you’d like to do it, consider reading this blog post for guidance.

If at any point anything goes wrong, and you don't know what to do, just enter $ git rebase —abort and everything will go back to the way it was in the before $ git rebase times.

Request to add a release note

Please add a release note. Here are the instructions on how to write one:

Closing an inactive PR

I'm closing this PR due to inactivity. If you decide to continue working on it, feel free to reopen it.

Inquiry to work on an inactive PR

coming soon

Response to an unsolicited ENH pull request

coming soon