pyICSParser is an icalendar parser (parser for .ics or ical parser files) as defined by RFC5545 (previously RFC2445) into typed structure and returns json structure with explicit dates [[dates, description, uid]] for each instance
Typical installation
pip install pyICSParser
Typical usage for explicit date calculation:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pyiCalendar
mycal = pyiCalendar.iCalendar()
#ics_fp being a string for the local full path to the icalendar file
#dtstart and dtend are string objects of yyyymmdd formatting (%Y%M%d)
#dates will contain the json with all explicit dates of the events spec'ed by the icalendar file
dates = mycal.get_event_instances(dtstart,dtend)
- v0.0.1: first pre-alpha
- v0.0.27: fixed the dtstart to dtend problem for holiday
- 0.4.x: first fully tested handling days - remains to be done is handling of time of events (test vectors are actual icalendar files)
- 0.5.x: added support for EXDATE
- 0.6.x: added support for DURATION and when DTEND no present
- 0.7.x: added support for python 3; 9/10 cottage cheese with pyroma
- 0.7.3: fixing issue #12
- run unit test
cd pyICSParser\test
- run pyroma
cd pyICSParser
pyroma .
- build and upload
py -m build
py -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
- handle of datetime (currently only handles date)
- handle of multiple EXRULE, RRULE as per icalendar spec
- reST to HTML & reST validator
- registering a package on pypi and password information
- uploading a package to pypi
- how to use google codes, subclipse and eclipse