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Extendable immutable typescript models with validation and change tracking


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Extendable immutable javascript models with validation and change tracking


JustModel is a modern extendable model library written in typescript, that provides several features that every model library should have:

Static typed data types

Justmodel has fully typed models when working with typescript and flowtype, that provide type safety when working with models.

import { Model } from 'justmodel';

type User = {
  username: string;
  password: string;

class UserModel extends Model<User> {}

const user = new UserModel().create({username: 'username'}) // <-- property password is missing in type

Immutable and non-immutable operations

All operations are immutable by default, except is in place mutation methods are used

let mutatedUser = user.update({password: 'newpassword'});

user === mutatedUser // <-- false as immutable operation was used

muetatedUser = user.updateInPlace({password: 'newpassword'});

user === mutatedUser // <-- true as model was mutated in place

Data validation with create, update and load joi schemas

class UserModel extends Model<User> {
  get schema() {
    return Joi.object({
      username: Joi.string(),
      password: Joi.string().required(),
      hashedPassword: Joi.string().hex()
    }).xor('password', 'hashedPassword');

  get createSchema() {
    return this.schema.requiredKeys(['password']);

const user = new UserModel().create({
  username: 'user'
}); // <-- validation error as password is missing

Change detection

Just model tracks changes on models and provides method that gets old value or tells if change was made compared to initial value. This is very usefull if doing update oprations on model and need to know if values have changed.

const model = new UserModel().load(data);


if (model.hasChanged('password')) {
  // check old password for example


npm install --save justmodel


import { Model } from 'justmodel';

class UserModel extends Model<User> {
  get schema() {
    return Joi.object({
      username: Joi.string().min(4).max(20).lowercase(),
      password: Joi.string().required().min(8),
      email: Joi.string().email().required(),
      hashedPassword: Joi.string().hex()

  get createSchema() {
    return this.schema.requiredKeys(['password']);

  value() {
    return this._data.delete('password').toJS();

const user = new UserModel().create({
  username: 'user',
  password: 'mypassword',
  email: ''


  hashedPassword: hashPassword(user.password)

if(user.hasChanged('email')) {
  return sendChangeEmail(user);



  • npm t: Run test suite
  • npm start: Runs npm run build in watch mode
  • npm run test:watch: Run test suite in interactive watch mode
  • npm run test:prod: Run linting and generate coverage
  • npm run build: Generage bundles and typings, create docs
  • npm run lint: Lints code
  • npm run commit: Commit using conventional commit style (husky will tell you to use it if you haven't 😉)


Made with ❤️ by @offlinehacker