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Boris Yanchev edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 3 revisions

Logo design

After the initial concept for the product has been developed, a logo was created early on. The logo illustrates the primary use of the tea machine well - bringing a quality tea experience to the workplace or public institution environment. With a finished logo, a unified image of the product could be created across multiple communication channels and the product was publicised on social platforms.

Initial logo design:

Final logo design:

Communication channels

Three communication channels have been set up as part of the initial marketing strategy:

  • Facebook was used to post weekly updates on the progress of the project. A link to the the page can be found here. At its peak, some posts reached more than 1000 people and was positively received.

  • Similarly, Twitter was used to share content as the project progressed. The posts were retweeted mostly by other project groups, but some managed to gain more exposure as well.

  • Finally, a web page was created which provides a good introduction to the project and the team to interested parties and gives links to all other social platforms.

Future strategy

After a general awareness about the product has been raised and judging from the feedback we receive, we aim to work in close partnership with public institutions and companies supplying vending machines or similar equipment to offices. This would include providing prototype models for a more in-depth understanding of the market and further popularisation of our product.