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Electronics: Setting Up Microcontrollers

Connor Novak edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 1 revision

Setting up Pixhawk with Ardusub

Date Modified: 2.5.17

Download and open QGroundControl -

Format SD card (now called ORCASSD2) and insert it into pixhawk.

Connect the pixhawk to your laptop using a micro usb to usb cable.

Download firmware and parameter files from:

Follow instructions from this video:

  • Open QGroundControl and install custom firmware by choosing file you dowloaded from ardusub.
  • Set parameter files by choosing the file you downloaded from the ardusub website.
  • Reverse motor direction for motors 3 and 6.
  • Under sensors set autopilot orientation to be roll90 and do calibration.

Setting up Odroid

Date Modified: 2.10.17

Setting up Raspberry Pi

Date Modified: 3.24.17

  • Downloaded Raspbian onto SD card using zip file from:
  • Inserted SD card into Raspi and connected Raspi to monitor, keyboard, ethernet, power source, and a mouse.
  • Followed instructions under command line setup on:
  • To open qgroundcontrol on personal laptop in Ubuntu assuming you have the App Image in your downloads folder type chmod +x ./Downloads/QGroundControl.AppImage and then ./Downloads/QGroundControl.AppImage
  • Decided we needed to start over and flash the ardusub raspbian image onto the raspi because it comes with qgroundcontrol. Followed instructions on to complete this. Got to the end of the diskimage setup step. Still need to put card in raspi and test out. Also, hard to tell if there is currently anything on raspi. Will need to check.
  • Downloaded Ardusub Rasbian image from
  • Used win32diskmanager to write the file onto the SD Card

Serial Communication from Odroid to Pixhawk