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Solc Maven Plugin

Travis CI License

This is a Solc Maven plugin written in Java (Sonar analysis).

Check the wiki to understand its design principles.

WARNING: the plugin is not deployed on Maven Central yet. You have to build it from sources.

WARNING: The Solc Maven Plugin might merge with the Web3J's Maven plugin (check Design principles).

The plugin supports the following goals :

  • help: display help
  • check: check the Solc's version declared in your POM against the Solc version running on your system
  • compile: compile Solidity file into what Solc compiler is capable of (abi, bin, ...)
  • wrap: generate Java wrapper by leveraging web3j library (needs abi and bin files compiled from your contracts)

Version compatibility

solc-maven-plugin is built and tested against the most recent releases of Solc. Right now these are 0.4.11 - ?.

The plugins uses web3j 2.2.2 for Java wrappers generation.


This configures the actual plugin:

  • to check 0.4.1 version against your actual Solc compiler's version installed on your OS
  • to build your solidity contracts
  • to generate Java wrappers into src/main/java directory