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Announcement #1: Second alpha version (0.9) released, website significantly extended

Olivier Lartillot edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 2 revisions

Version 0.9 of the MiningSuite has been released, and can be accessed from this address.

This corresponds to the second alpha version. The audio part of the MiningSuite contains most of the operators available in MIRtoolbox, although this should still be considered as an experimental version, where the results cannot be trusted, and where many of the options related to the different operators have not been implemented yet.

Compared to version 0.8, new operators are sig.length,, aud.tempo, aud.pulseclarity, mus.pulseclarity, sig.spread, sig.skewness, sig.kurtosis, sig.flatness, sig.entropy, mus.key, mus.majorness, mus.keysom, mus.tonalcentroid, mus.hcdf, sig.simatrix, sig.novelty, sig.mean, sig.std and sig.median.

Compared to MIRtoolbox, the MiningSuite features a simpler and more efficient underlying architecture, while also integrating new layers of syntax enabling to make the code of the different operators much simpler to read. The objective is to make the code completely understandable to the users. Besides, the decomposition of the toolbox into packages related to different domains of interests (signal processing, auditory modeling, music analysis) enables to make the toolbox more accessible to a larger community of users, beyond the Music Information Retrieval community that was the initial audience of MIRtoolbox.

In the coming weeks, I will concentrate this time on the symbolic side of the MiningSuite (analysis of MIDI and scores, pattern mining).

Parallel to the release of this second alpha version, the GitHub website has been significantly extended, with a wiki documentation of all operators (although the documentation is somewhat incomplete, with for instance documented features not yet available in the code), update of the guided tours, a development status page, a developer guidelines page, as well as the reintegration of the mailing lists that were initially created when the project was hosted in Google Code.

You are more than welcome to try out the MiningSuite, and also to contribute to the further development.

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