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File metadata and controls

140 lines (77 loc) · 2.79 KB


Package: :doc:`Record </Reference/packages/Record/index>`

.. php:class:: Collection

extends :php:class:`Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord`

implements :php:interface:`Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface`

A collection and its metadata.

.. php:attr:: public


    Whether or not the collection is publicly accessible.

.. php:attr:: featured


    Whether or not the collection is featured.

.. php:attr:: added


    Date the collection was added.

.. php:attr:: modified


    Date the collection was last modified.

.. php:attr:: owner_id


    ID for the User that created this collection.

.. php:attr:: _related


    Related records.

.. php:method:: _initializeMixins()

    Initialize the mixins.

.. php:method:: getProperty($property)

    Get a property about this collection.

    Valid properties for a Collection include:
    * (int) public
    * (int) featured
    * (string) added
    * (string) modified
    * (int) owner_id
    * (int) total_items

    :type $property: string
    :param $property: The property to get, always lowercase.
    :returns: mixed The value of the property

.. php:method:: totalItems()

    Get the total number of items in this collection.

    :returns: int

.. php:method:: setAddedBy(User $user)

    Set the user who added the collection.

    Note that this is not to be confused with the collection's "contributors".

    :type $user: User
    :param $user:

.. php:method:: getResourceId()

    Required by Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface.

    Identifies Collection records as relating to the Collections ACL resource.

    :returns: string

.. php:method:: hasContributor()

    Return whether the collection has at least 1 contributor element text.

    :returns: bool

.. php:method:: filterPostData($post)

    Filter the POST data from the form.

    Converts public/featured flags to booleans.

    :type $post: array
    :param $post:
    :returns: array

.. php:method:: _delete()

    All of the custom code for deleting an collection.

    Delete the element texts for this record.

.. php:method:: _dissociateItems()

    Set items attached to this collection back to "no collection."

.. php:method:: beforeSave($args)

    Before-save hook.

    Fire the before-save element texts code.

    :param $args:

.. php:method:: afterSave($args)

    After-save hook.

    Handle public/private status for search.

    :param $args:

.. php:method:: getFile()

    Get a representative file for this Collection.

    :returns: File|null