Websolr features per-request authorization for requests made to your Solr index. This feature is perfect for anyone who needs to guarantee complete cyptographically secure access to their index -- or for anyone who wishes to expose their Solr URL for public read-only access while still protecting updates.
Websolr advanced authorization is an opt-in feature. Upon enabling this feature for your index you will be issued a secret token (herein called SECRET). This token is used with the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm as described below.
This application is provided as a working sample to demonstrate how Websolr authorization works. You may fork it and use it as a starting point for your own applications as you like. We also welcome forks to help us duplicate any errors that may be discovered.
To install and use the sample app locally and demonstrate that its calls to Solr work you should run the following:
export WEBSOLR_URL='your-index-url'
export WEBSOLR_AUTH='your-index-auth-secret'
git clone git://github.com/nz/websolr-demo-advanced-auth.git
cd websolr-advanced-auth
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:seed
bundle exec rails server
open http://localhost:300/
The authorization scheme works by including three additional HTTP headers with each request to Solr:
The current Unix time -- seconds since epoch. This value helps to guarantee
uniquness over time, and must be within one minute of our server time to prevent
replay attacks. (Regex: /[0-9]+/
Any random non-whitespace string. This value further guarantees the uniqueness
of each generated authorization token. (Regex: /\S+/
The hexadecimal HMAC-SHA1 digest of your shared secret and the concatenation of the above time and nonce.
For example, in Ruby:
OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1', SECRET, "#{time}#{nonce}")
require 'rsolr'
rsolr = RSolr.connect :url => ENV['WEBSOLR_URL']
def auth_headers(secret=ENV['WEBSOLR_AUTH'])
time = Time.now.to_i
nonce = Time.now.to_i.to_s.split(//).sort_by{rand}.join
auth = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1', secret, "#{time}#{nonce}")
'X-Websolr-Time' => time,
'X-Websolr-Nonce' => nonce,
'X-Websolr-Auth' => auth
# Add a document
rsolr.add { :id => 1, :title => "Hello world" }, { :headers => auth_headers }
# Commit
rsolr.commit :headers => auth_headers
# Search
rsolr.get 'select', :params => { :q => "hello" }, :headers => auth_headers