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The Medical Blog API is a web-based application that allows users to read, remove, update, and like medical blog content. Its goal is to provide a single location for healthcare professionals, medical researchers, and fans to access and engage with educational and interesting medical content.


The motivation behind building the Medical Blog API is to create a platform that promotes knowledge sharing, collaboration, and community engagement within the medical field. By providing a user-friendly interface, robust features, and opportunities for personal and professional growth, the API seeks to facilitate the exchange of valuable medical information and contribute to the advancement of healthcare practices.

Major Motivation for Building the Medical Blog API:

  • Knowledge Sharing: The API aims to facilitate the sharing of medical knowledge and experiences, allowing healthcare professionals and enthusiasts to stay updated with the latest developments in the field.

  • Collaboration and Networking: By promoting interaction through likes, comments, and discussions, the API fosters collaboration and networking within the medical community, enabling professionals to connect, exchange ideas, and establish valuable relationships.

  • Accessible Information and Personal Development: The API provides a convenient source of medical information, empowering users to explore various topics and contribute their own expertise. It supports personal growth and professional development by offering opportunities for individuals to refine their skills, receive feedback, and engage with a supportive community.

How to use

🔥🔥🔥 How to clone this app

  • You can click the fork icon in the top right conner of this repository
  • from the repoo you forked to your account click code then copy the ssh or https link
  • create a directory for your project then write thisi in the terminal
git clone 'https-or-ssh-link'
cd project_file
  • check the requirements.txt file and download neccessary modules or dependencies
  py makemigrations
  py migrate
  py runserver


To use or test the API endpoint you can check the link below 👇

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