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Raspberry pi troubleshooting

arneboon edited this page Jan 21, 2013 · 12 revisions

If you run into something that might help others, add it here!

  • Are you using the Raspbian Raspberry Pi image? The soft-floating-point wheezy is not compatible with openFrameworks. ArchLinux support is planned, but not currently supported.
  • Are you giving your RPI enough power? Many otherwise inexplicable RPI problems seem to be the result of inadequate power. See here for more for information on Power Supply Problems
  • Are you running into problems with a USB device? Please reference the list of Verified Peripherals.
  • If your USB device isn't listed and is failing please follow these steps to gather useful log information from the pi:
  1. rm /var/log/kern.log /var/log/kern.log.1 /var/log/kern.log.*.gz
  2. shutdown -r now
  3. run your oF App
  4. lsusb -v | grep -iP "Transfer Type.*(Interrupt|Isochronous)" | wc -l
  5. cat /var/log/kern.log | grep -iP "fail|warn|error" | perl -p -e 's/^[^]\n]*]//g;s/(warn_alloc_failed: )[0-9]+/$1/g' | sort -u;
  6. dmesg
  7. copy and paste the output to a gist
  • For more information on debugging USB devices please reference the Rpi USB check-list

  • Building oF core hangs on ofColor on RPI 256mb?
  1. Edit /boot/config.txt and add or set option "gpu_mem=64". This resets the memory split to 192mb for cpu_mem, reboot after saving file (to edit: $sudo nano /boot/config.txt) ($sudo reboot).
  2. Compile the oF core and app using "$make Debug" instead of a release build with "$make".
  3. More info see: