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pichler edited this page Apr 30, 2017 · 4 revisions

The BACnet driver supports to scan for BACnet devices within the current network broadcast domain. During the scan, all ports between 0xBAC0 and 0xBACF will be scanned (if the scanPort property is not set).

The BACnet port used for the device scan can also be set using the system property org.openmucextensions.driver.bacnet.port. If the property has been set, only the specified port will be scanned, unless another port has been specifeid within the setting string (scanPort property). The following examples show the possible combinations:

  1. No system property port has been set and the device scan setting string doesn't contain the scanPort property: all ports between 0xBAC0 and 0xBACF will be scanned

  2. System property port has been set and the device scan setting string doesn't contain the scanPort property: only the port specified in the system property will be scanned

  3. System property port has been set and the device scan setting string contains the scanPort property: only the port sepcified in the setting string will be scanned


The following (optional) settings may be applied when performing a devices scan. Multiple settings may be separated using the ";" char.

Property key Description Default value
discoverySleepTime Sleep time to wait for discovery responses during scan (in ms) 2000
scanPort Single UDP port for scanning (default all ports between 0xBAC0 and 0xBACF will be scanned)
broadcastIP IP address that will be used for sending broadcast messages

If the scanPort property is set, only the specified port will be scanned.

Settings example
