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NAL 6: Variable Terms

PtrMan edited this page Jul 5, 2020 · 8 revisions

specification NAL-6

------------------------- Variable unification -------------------------------------

//If something is a bird, then it is a flyer.

<<$x --> bird> ==> <$x --> flyer>>.

//If something is a bird, then it is not a flyer.

<<$y --> bird> ==> <$y --> flyer>>. %0.00;0.70%


//If something is a bird, then usually, it is a flyer.

outputMustContain('<< $1--> bird> ==> < $1--> flyer>>. %0.79;0.92%')

---------------------------------- Variable unification --------------------------------

//If something is a bird, then it is an animal.

<<$x --> bird> ==> <$x --> animal>>.

//If something is a robin, then it is a bird.

<<$y --> robin> ==> <$y --> bird>>.


//If something is a robin, then it is an animal.

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> robin> ==> < $1--> animal>>. %1.00;0.81%')

//I guess that if something is an animal, then it is a robin.

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> animal> ==> < $1--> robin>>. %1.00;0.45%')

---------------------------------- Variable unification --------------------------------

//If something is a swan, then it is a bird.

<<$x --> swan> ==> <$x --> bird>>. %1.00;0.80%

//If something is a swan, then it is a swimmer.

<<$y --> swan> ==> <$y --> swimmer>>. %0.80%


//I believe that if something is a swan, then it is a bird or a swimmer.

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> swan> ==> (||,< $1--> bird>,< $1--> swimmer>)>. %1.00;0.72%')

//I believe that if something is a swan, then usually, it is both a bird and a swimmer.

//outputMustContain('<< $1 --> swan> ==> (&&,< $1 --> bird>,< $1--> swimmer>)>. %0.80;0.72%')

------------------------------- Variable unification -----------------------------

//What can be said about bird can also be said about robin.

<<bird --> $x> ==> <robin --> $x>>.

//What can be said about swimmer usually can also be said about robin.

<<swimmer --> $y> ==> <robin --> $y>>. %0.70;0.90%


//What can be said about bird and swimmer can also be said about robin.

outputMustContain('<(&&,<bird --> $1>,<swimmer --> $1>) ==> <robin --> >>. %1.00;0.81%')

//What can be said about bird or swimmer can also be said about robin.

//outputMustContain('<(||,<bird -->$1 >,<swimmer --> $1>) ==> <robin --> >>. %0.70;0.81%')

------------------------------ Variable unification ------------------------------

//If something can fly and chirp, then it is a bird.

<(&&,<$x --> flyer>,<$x --> [chirping]>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.

//If something has wings, then it can fly.

<<$y --> [with-wings]> ==> <$y --> flyer>>.


//If something can chirp and has wings, then it is a bird.

//outputMustContain('<(&&,<$1 --> [chirping]>,<$1 --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%')

---------------------------------- Variable unification --------------------------------

//If something can fly, chirp, and eats worms, then it is a bird.

<(&&,<$x --> flyer>,<$x --> [chirping]>, <(*, $x, worms) --> food>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.

//If something can chirp and has wings, then it is a bird.

<(&&,<$x --> [chirping]>,<$x --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.


//If something can fly and eats worms, then I guess it has wings.

//outputMustContain('<(&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>) ==> < $1--> [with-wings]>>. %1.00;0.45%')

//I guess if something has wings, then it can fly and eats worms.

//outputMustContain('<<$1 --> [with-wings]> ==> (&&,<$1 --> flyer>,<(*,$1,worms) --> food>)>. %1.00;0.45%')

--------------------------------- Variable unification ---------------------------

If something is a bird, then it is an animal.

<<$x --> bird> ==> <$x --> animal>>.

A robin is a bird.

<robin --> bird>.


//A robin is an animal.

//outputMustContain('<robin --> animal>. %1.00;0.81%')

----------------------------- Variable elimination ------------------------

//If something is a bird, then it is an animal.

<<$x --> bird> ==> <$x --> animal>>.

//A tiger is an animal.

<tiger --> animal>.


//I guess that a tiger is a bird.

//outputMustContain('<tiger --> bird>. %1.00;0.45%')

----------------------------- Variable elimination -----------------------------

//Something is an animal if and only if it is a bird.

<<$x --> animal> <=> <$x --> bird>>.

//A robin is a bird.

<robin --> bird>.


//A robin is an animal.

//outputMustContain('<robin --> animal>. %1.00;0.81%')

------------------------------- Variable elimination -------------------------------

//Some bird can swim.

(&&,<#x --> bird>,<#x --> swimmer>).

//Swan is a type of bird.

<swan --> bird>. %0.90%


//I guess swan can swim.

//outputMustContain('<swan --> swimmer>. %0.90;0.43%')

--------------------------------- Variable elimination -----------------------------

//Tweety has wings.

<{Tweety} --> [with-wings]>.

//If something can chirp and has wings, then it is a bird.

<(&&,<$x --> [chirping]>,<$x --> [with-wings]>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.


//If Tweety can chirp, then it is a bird.

//outputMustContain('<<{Tweety} --> [chirping]> ==> <{Tweety} --> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%')

------------------------------------ Variable elimination ---------------------------------

//If something can fly, chirp, and eats worms, then it is a bird.

<(&&,<$x --> flyer>,<$x --> [chirping]>, <(*, $x, worms) --> food>) ==> <$x --> bird>>.

//Tweety can fly.

<{Tweety} --> flyer>.


//If Tweety can chirp and eats worms, then it is a bird.

//outputMustContain('<(&&,<(*,{Tweety},worms) --> food>,<{Tweety} --> [chirping]>) ==> <{Tweety} --> bird>>. %1.00;0.81%')

------------------- Multiple variable elimination -----------------

//Every lock can be opened by every key.

<(&&,<$x --> key>,<$y --> lock>) ==> <$y --> (/,open,$x,_)>>.

//Lock-1 is a lock.

<{lock1} --> lock>.


//Lock-1 can be opened by every key.

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> key> ==> <{lock1} --> (/,open,,_)>>. %1.00;0.81%')

------------------- Multiple variable elimination -----------------

//Every lock can be opened by some key.

<<$x --> lock> ==> (&&,<#y --> key>,<$x --> (/,open,#y,_)>)>.

//Lock-1 is a lock.

<{lock1} --> lock>.


//Some key can open Lock-1.

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> key>,<{lock1} --> (/,open,#1,_)>). %1.00;0.81%')

------------------- Multiple variable elimination -----------------

//There is a lock that can be opened by every key.

(&&,<#x --> lock>,<<$y --> key> ==> <#x --> (/,open,$y,_)>>).

//Lock-1 is a lock.

<{lock1} --> lock>.


//I guess Lock-1 can be opened by every key.

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> key> ==> <{lock1} --> (/,open,,_)>>. %1.00;0.43%')

------------------- Multiple variable elimination -----------------

//There is a key that can open some lock.

(&&,<#x --> (/,open,#y,_)>,<#x --> lock>,<#y --> key>).

//Lock-1 is a lock.

<{lock1} --> lock>.


//I guess there is a key that can open Lock-1.

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> key>,<{lock1} --> (/,open,#1,_)>). %1.00;0.43%')

------------------- Variable introduction -----------------

//A swan is a bird.

<swan --> bird>.

//A swan is usually a swimmer.

<swan --> swimmer>. %0.80%


//I guess a bird is usually a swimmer.

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> bird> ==> <$1 --> swimmer>>. %0.80;0.45%')

//I guess a swimmer is a bird.

//outputMustContain('<<$1 --> swimmer> ==> <$1 --> bird>>. %1.00;0.39%')

//I guess a bird is usually a swimmer, and the other way around.

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> bird> <=> < $1--> swimmer>>. %0.80;0.45%')

//Some bird can swim.

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> bird>,<#1 --> swimmer>). %0.80;0.81%')

------------------- Variable introduction -----------------

//A gull is a swimmer.

<gull --> swimmer>.

//Usually, a swan is a swimmer.

<swan --> swimmer>. %0.80%


//I guess what can be said about gull usually can also be said about swan.

//outputMustContain('<<gull --> $1> ==> <swan -->$1 >>. %0.80;0.45%')

//I guess what can be said about swan can also be said about gull.

//outputMustContain('<<swan -->$1 > ==> <gull --> $1>>. %1.00;0.39%')

//I guess gull and swan share most properties.

//outputMustContain('<<gull -->$1 > <=> <swan --> $1>>. %0.80;0.45%')

//Gull and swan have some common property.

//outputMustContain('(&&,<gull --> #1>,<swan --> #1>). %0.80;0.81%')

------------------- Variables introduction -----------------

//Key-1 opens Lock-1.

<{key1} --> (/,open,_,{lock1})>.

//Key-1 is a key.

<{key1} --> key>.


//I guess every key can open Lock-1.

//outputMustContain('<<$1 --> key> ==> <$1 --> (/,open,_,{lock1})>>. %1.00;0.45%')

//Some key can open Lock-1.

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> (/,open,_,{lock1})>,<#1 --> key>). %1.00;0.81%')

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> (/,open,_,{lock1})>,<#1 --> key>). %1.00;0.25%')

------------------- Multiple variables introduction -----------------

//Lock-1 can be opened by every key.

<<$x --> key> ==> <{lock1} --> (/,open,$x,_)>>.

//Lock-1 is a lock.

<{lock1} --> lock>.


//There is a lock that can be opened by every key.

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> lock>,<<$2 --> key> ==> <#1 --> (/,open,$2,_)>>). %1.00;0.81%')

//I guess every lock can be opened by every key.

//outputMustContain('<(&&,<$2 --> key>,<$1 --> lock>) ==> <$1 --> (/,open,$2,_)>>. %1.00;0.45%')

----------------------------- Multiple variables introduction -------------------------

//Lock-1 can be opened by some key.

(&&,<#x --> key>,<{lock1} --> (/,open,#x,_)>).

//Lock-1 is a lock.

<{lock1} --> lock>.


//There is a key that can open some lock.

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> key>,<#2 --> (/,open,#1,_)>,<#2 --> lock>). %1.00;0.81%')

//I guess every lock can be opened by some key.

//outputMustContain('<<$1 --> lock> ==> (&&,<#2 --> key>,<$1 --> (/,open,#2,_)>)>. %1.00;0.45%')

-------------------------------------- Recursion -------------------------------------

//0 is a number

<0 --> num>. %1.00;0.90%

//If n is a number, n+1 is also a number

<< $1--> num> ==> <(*,) --> num>>. %1.00;0.90%

//3 is a number?

<(*,(*,(*,0))) --> num>?


//I guess 3 is a number

//outputMustContain('<(*,(*,(*,0))) --> num>. %1.00;0.66%')

------------------------ Second level variable unification ------------------------

//there is a lock which is opened by all keys

(&&,<#1 --> lock>,<<$1 --> key> ==> <#1 --> (/,open,,_)>>). %1.00;0.90%

//key1 is a key

<{key1} --> key>. %1.00;0.90%


//there is a lock which is opened by key1

//outputMustContain('(&&,<#1 --> (/,open,{key1},_)>,<#1 --> lock>). %1.00;0.81%')

------------------------ Second level variable unification ----------------------------

//all locks are opened by some key

<<$1 --> lock> ==> (&&,<#2 --> key>,< --> (/,open,#2,_)>)>. %1.00;0.90%

//key1 is a key

<{key1} --> key>. %1.00;0.90%


//maybe all locks are opened by key1

//outputMustContain('<< $1--> lock> ==> <$1 --> (/,open,{key1},_)>>. %1.00;0.43%')

------------------- Second variable introduction (induction) ---------------------

//If something opens lock1, it is a key

<<lock1 --> (/,open,$1,_)> ==> < --> key>>.

//lock1 is a key <lock1 --> lock>.


//there is a lock with the property that when opened by something, this something is a key (induction)

//outputMustContain('<(&&,<#1 --> (/,open,,_)>,<#1 --> lock>) ==> < --> key>>. %1.00;0.45%')

----------------------------- Variable elimination (deduction) ---------------------------

//lock1 is a lock

<lock1 --> lock>. %1.00;0.90%

//there is a lock with the property that when opened by something, this something is a key

<(&&,<#1 --> lock>,<#1 --> (/,open,,_)>) ==> < --> key>>. %1.00;0.90%


//whatever opens lock1 is a key

//outputMustContain('<<lock1 --> (/,open,$1,_)> ==> <$1 --> key>>. %1.00;0.81%')

----------------------- Abduction with variable elimination (abduction) -----------------------

//whatever opens lock1 is a key

<<lock1 --> (/,open,$1,_)> ==> < $1--> key>>. %1.00;0.90%

//there is a lock with the property that when opened by something, this something is a key

<(&&,<#1 --> lock>,<#1 --> (/,open,,_)>) ==> < --> key>>. %1.00;0.90%


//lock1 is a lock

//outputMustContain('<lock1 --> lock>. %1.00;0.45%')

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