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Narsese Grammar (Input Output Format)

Patrick Hammer edited this page Apr 14, 2021 · 9 revisions

Narsese Grammar

The input/output format of NARS

I/O Format

Each line in the input and output of NARS is either a task (as defined in the following grammar, in BNF notation), or an integer, indicating the number of inference steps between tasks.

In a task, all the space characters are optional and will be ignored by the system in processing.

Narsese Grammar

Narsese is the formal language used by NARS for internal representation and external communication. The language is defined by the following context-free grammar.

             task ::= [budget] sentence                       (* task to be processed *)

         sentence ::= statement"." [tense] [truth]            (* judgement to be absorbed into beliefs *)
                    | statement"?" [tense]                    (* question on truth-value to be answered *)
                    | statement"!" [desire]                   (* goal to be realized by operations *)
                    | statement"@"                            (* question on desire-value to be answered *)

        statement ::= <"<">term copula term<">">              (* two terms related to each other *)
                    | <"(">term copula term<")">              (* two terms related to each other, new notation *)
                    | term                                    (* a term can name a statement *)
                    | "(^"word {","term} ")"                  (* an operation to be executed *)
                    | word"("term {","term} ")"               (* an operation to be executed, new notation *)

           copula ::= "-->"                                   (* inheritance *)
                    | "<->"                                   (* similarity *)
                    | "{--"                                   (* instance *)
                    | "--]"                                   (* property *)
                    | "{-]"                                   (* instance-property *)
                    | "==>"                                   (* implication *)
                    | "=/>"                                   (* predictive implication *)
                    | "=|>"                                   (* concurrent implication *)
                    | "=\>"                                  (* =\> retrospective implication *)
                    | "<=>"                                   (* equivalence *)
                    | "</>"                                   (* predictive equivalence *)
                    | "<|>"                                   (* concurrent equivalence *)

             term ::= word                                    (* an atomic constant term *)
                    | variable                                (* an atomic variable term *)
                    | compound-term                           (* a term with internal structure *)
                    | statement                               (* a statement can serve as a term *)

    compound-term ::= op-ext-set term {"," term} "}"          (* extensional set *)
                    | op-int-set term {"," term} "]"          (* intensional set *)
                    | "("op-multi"," term {"," term} ")"      (* with prefix operator *)
                    | "("op-single"," term "," term ")"       (* with prefix operator *)
                    | "(" term {op-multi term} ")"            (* with infix operator *)
                    | "(" term op-single term ")"             (* with infix operator *)
                    | "(" term {","term} ")"                  (* product, new notation *)
                    | "(" op-ext-image "," term {"," term} ")"(* special case, extensional image *)
                    | "(" op-int-image "," term {"," term} ")"(* special case, \ intensional image *)
                    | "(" op-negation "," term ")"            (* negation *)
                    | op-negation term                        (* negation, new notation *)

        op-int-set::= "["                                     (* intensional set *)
        op-ext-set::= "{"                                     (* extensional set *)
       op-negation::= "--"                                    (* negation *)
      op-int-image::= "\"                                    (* \ intensional image *)
      op-ext-image::= "/"                                     (* extensional image *)
         op-multi ::= "&&"                                    (* conjunction *)
                    | "*"                                     (* product *)
                    | "||"                                    (* disjunction *)
                    | "&|"                                    (* parallel events *)
                    | "&/"                                    (* sequential events *)
                    | "|"                                     (* intensional intersection *)
                    | "&"                                     (* extensional intersection *)
        op-single ::= "-"                                     (* extensional difference *)
                    | "~"                                     (* intensional difference *)

         variable ::= "$"word                                 (* independent variable *)
                    | "#"word                                 (* dependent variable *)
                    | "?"word                                 (* query variable in question *)

            tense ::= ":/:"                                   (* future event *)
                    | ":|:"                                   (* present event *)
                    | ":\:"                                   (* past event *)
           desire ::= truth                                   (* same format, different interpretations *)
            truth ::= <"%">frequency[<";">confidence]<"%">    (* two numbers in [0,1]x(0,1) *)
           budget ::= <"$">priority[<";">durability][<";">quality]<"$"> (* three numbers in [0,1]x(0,1)x[0,1] *)

               word : #"[^\ ]+"                               (* unicode string *)    
           priority : #"([0]?\.[0-9]+|1\.[0]*|1|0)"           (* 0 <= x <= 1 *)
         durability : #"[0]?\.[0]*[1-9]{1}[0-9]*"             (* 0 <  x <  1 *)
            quality : #"([0]?\.[0-9]+|1\.[0]*|1|0)"           (* 0 <= x <= 1 *)
          frequency : #"([0]?\.[0-9]+|1\.[0]*|1|0)"           (* 0 <= x <= 1 *)
         confidence : #"[0]?\.[0]*[1-9]{1}[0-9]*"             (* 0 <  x <  1 *)

Example Usage

  • Tim is alive.

    <{Tim} --> [alive]>.

  • Tim is a human.

    <{Tim} --> human>.

  • Humans are a lifeform.

    <human --> lifeform>.

  • Lifeforms are like machines.

    <lifeform <-> machine>.

  • Tom eats chocolate.

    <(*,{Tom},chocolate) --> eat>.
    <{Tom} --> (/,eat,_,chocolate)>.
    <chocolate --> (/,eat,{Tom},_)>.

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