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Caches: Optimized LRU unit
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This is the generic LRU unit. It uses an optimized vector which is of
size (NUMWAYS*(NUMWAYS-1))>>1. The content of the vector is the
reduced set of direct comparisons (x<y) where x is older than y. As
the module forbids x is equally old as y we have a symmetric behaviour

For four ways the vector is then:

history [5:0] = {(2<3),(1<3),(1<2),(0<3),(0<2),(0<1)}

Further details, the instantiation and the algorithm itself are
documented in the module.
  • Loading branch information
wallento authored and skristiansson committed Apr 14, 2014
1 parent 8638166 commit d510ac3
Showing 1 changed file with 281 additions and 0 deletions.
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions rtl/verilog/mor1kx_cache_lru.v
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
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Description: Data cache LRU implementation
Copyright (C) 2012 Stefan Wallentowitz <>

// This is the least-recently-used (LRU) calculation module. It
// essentially has two types of input and output. First, the history
// information needs to be evaluated to calculate the LRU value.
// Second, the current access and the LRU are one hot values of the
// ways.
// This module is pure combinational. All registering is done outside
// this module. The following parameter exists:
// * NUMWAYS: Number of ways (must be greater than 1)
// The following ports exist:
// * current: The current LRU history
// * update: The new LRU history after access
// * access: 0 if no access or one-hot of the way that accesses
// * lru_pre: LRU before the access (one hot of ways)
// * lru_post: LRU after the access (one hot of ways)
// The latter three have the width of NUMWAYS apparently. The first
// three are more complicated as this is an optimized way of storing
// the history information, which will be shortly described in the
// following.
// A naive approach to store the history of the access is to store the
// relative "age" of each element in a vector, for example for four
// ways:
// 0: 1 1: 3 2: 1 3:0
// This needs 4x2 bits, but more important it also needs a set of
// comparators and adders. This can become increasingly complex when
// using a higher number of cache ways with an impact on area and
// timing.
// Similarly, it is possible to store a "stack" of the access and
// reorder this stack on an access. But the problems are similar, it
// needs comparators etc.
// A neat approach is to store the history efficiently coded, while
// also easing the calculation. This approach stores the information
// whether each entry is older than the others. For example for the
// four-way example (x<y means x is older than y):
// |0<1|0<2|0<3|1<0|1<2|1<3|2<0|2<1|2<3|3<0|3<1|3<2|
// This is redundant as two entries can never be equally old meaning
// x<y == !y<x, leading to a simpler version
// |0<1|0<2|0<3|1<2|1<3|2<3|
// The calculations on this vector are much simpler and it is
// therefore used by this module.
// The width of this vector is the triangular number of (NUMWAYS-1),
// specifically:
// The details of the algorithms are described below. The designer
// just needs to apply current history vector and the access and gets
// the updated history and the LRU before and after the access.
// Instantiation example:
// mor1kx_dcache_lru
// (.NUMWAYS(4))
// u_lru(.current (current_history[((NUMWAYS*(NUMWAYS-1))>>1)-1:0])),
// .update (updated_history[((NUMWAYS*(NUMWAYS-1))>>1)-1:0])),
// .access (access[NUMWAYS-1:0]),
// .lru_pre (lru_pre[NUMWAYS-1:0]),
// .lru_post (lru_post[NUMWAYS-1:0]));

module mor1kx_cache_lru(/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
update, lru_pre, lru_post,
// Inputs
current, access
parameter NUMWAYS = 2;

// Triangular number
localparam WIDTH = NUMWAYS*(NUMWAYS-1) >> 1;

input [WIDTH-1:0] current;
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] update;

input [NUMWAYS-1:0] access;
output reg [NUMWAYS-1:0] lru_pre;
output reg [NUMWAYS-1:0] lru_post;

reg [NUMWAYS-1:0] expand [0:NUMWAYS-1];

integer i, j;
integer offset;

// < 0 1 2 3
// 0 1 (0<1) (0<2) (0<3)
// 1 (1<0) 1 (1<2) (1<3)
// 2 (2<0) (2<1) 1 (2<3)
// 3 (3<0) (3<1) (3<2) 1
// As two entries can never be equally old (needs to be avoided on
// the outside) this is equivalent to:
// < 0 1 2 3
// 0 1 (0<1) (0<2) (0<3)
// 1 !(0<1) 1 (1<2) (1<3)
// 2 !(0<2) !(1<2) 1 (2<3)
// 3 !(0<3) !(1<3) !(2<3) 1
// The lower half below the diagonal is the inverted mirror of the
// upper half. The number of entries in each half is of course
// equal to the width of our LRU vector and the upper half is
// filled with the values from the vector.
// The algorithm works as follows:
// 1. Fill the matrix (expand) with the values. The entry (i,i) is
// statically one.
// 2. The LRU_pre vector is the vector of the ANDs of the each row.
// 3. Update the values with the access vector (if any) in the
// following way: If access[i] is set, the values in row i are
// set to 0. Similarly, the values in column i are set to 1.
// 4. The update vector of the lru history is then generated by
// copying the upper half of the matrix back.
// 5. The LRU_post vector is the vector of the ANDs of each row.
// In the following an example will be used to demonstrate the algorithm:
// NUMWAYS = 4
// current = 6'b110100;
// access = 4'b0010;
// This current history is:
// 0<1 0<2 0<3 1<2 1<3 2<3
// 0 0 1 0 1 1
// and way 2 is accessed.
// The history of accesses is 3>0>1>2 and the expected result is an
// update to 2>3>0>1 with LRU_pre=2 and LRU_post=1

always @(*) begin : comb
// The offset is used to transfer the flat history vector into
// the upper half of the
offset = 0;

// 1. Fill the matrix (expand) with the values. The entry (i,i) is
// statically one.
for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYS; i = i + 1) begin
expand[i][i] = 1'b1;

for (j = i + 1; j < NUMWAYS; j = j + 1) begin
expand[i][j] = current[offset+j-i-1];
for (j = 0; j < i; j = j + 1) begin
expand[i][j] = !expand[j][i];

offset = offset + NUMWAYS - i - 1;
end // for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYS; i = i + 1)

// For the example expand is now:
// < 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
// 0 1 (0<1) (0<2) (0<3) 0 1 0 0 1
// 1 (1<0) 1 (1<2) (1<3) => 1 1 1 0 1
// 2 (2<0) (2<1) 1 (2<3) 2 1 1 1 1
// 3 (3<0) (3<1) (3<2) 1 3 0 0 0 1

// 2. The LRU_pre vector is the vector of the ANDs of the each
// row.
for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYS; i = i + 1) begin
lru_pre[i] = &expand[i];

// We derive why this is the case for the example here:
// lru_pre[2] is high when the following condition holds:
// (2<0) & (2<1) & (2<3).
// Applying the negation transform we get:
// !(0<2) & !(1<2) & (2<3)
// and this is exactly row [2], so that here
// lru_pre[2] = &expand[2] = 1'b1;
// At this point you can also see why we initialize the diagonal
// with 1.

// 3. Update the values with the access vector (if any) in the
// following way: If access[i] is set, the values in row i
// are set to 0. Similarly, the values in column i are set
// to 1.
for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYS; i = i + 1) begin
if (access[i]) begin
for (j = 0; j < NUMWAYS; j = j + 1) begin
if (i != j) begin
expand[i][j] = 1'b0;
for (j = 0; j < NUMWAYS; j = j + 1) begin
if (i != j) begin
expand[j][i] = 1'b1;
end // for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYS; i = i + 1)

// Again this becomes obvious when you see what we do here.
// Accessing way 2 leads means now
// (0<2) = (1<2) = (3<2) = 1, and
// (2<0) = (2<1) = (2<3) = 0
// The matrix changes accordingly
// 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
// 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
// 1 1 1 0 1 => 1 1 1 1 1
// 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0
// 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 1

// 4. The update vector of the lru history is then generated by
// copying the upper half of the matrix back.
offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYS; i = i + 1) begin
for (j = i + 1; j < NUMWAYS; j = j + 1) begin
update[offset+j-i-1] = expand[i][j];
offset = offset + NUMWAYS - i - 1;

// This is the opposite operation of step 1 and is clear now.
// Update becomes:
// update = 6'b011110
// This is translated to
// 0<1 0<2 0<3 1<2 1<3 2<3
// 0 1 1 1 1 0
// which is: 2>3>0>1, which is what we expected.

// 5. The LRU_post vector is the vector of the ANDs of each row.
for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYS; i = i + 1) begin
lru_post[i] = &expand[i];

// This final step is equal to step 2 and also clear now.
// lru_post[1] = &expand[1] = 1'b1;
// lru_post = 4'b0010 is what we expected.

endmodule // mor1kx_dcache_lru

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