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Code and Repositories

Cedric Adjih edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 16 revisions

For how to "install" (e.g clone), see the README of schc-hackathon.

The following repositories are used for the Hackathon (additional, non-used, code is listed in this wiki page) . For simplicity, they have all been put back in the openschc organization.

Repository Default Branch Content How to use
schc-hackathon hackathon103 Meta-repository See README (e.g. make) XXX to be updated
openschc hackathon103 Mostly empty for now can be automatically cloned from schc-hackathon
micropython hackathon103 Clone of micropython repository can be automatically cloned from schc-hackathon Makefile
micropython-lib hackathon103 Clone of micropython-lib repository can be automatically cloned from schc-hackathon Makefile
schc-test the last used, is a merge of branches before Hackathon 103 Soichi's code, basis of previous hackathons 101, 102 Now merged openschc in branch hackathon103 in subdirectory openschc/src/schctest

Directory tree

After following the README of schc-hackathon, the directory structure should be as follows (copied from that README):

Repository Content/Purpose
schc-hackathon meta-repository
schc-hackathon/openschc where openschc is straighforwardly cloned
schc-hackathon/openschc/src where code for the "new" openschc will be put
schc-hackathon/openschc/src/schctest where there is a full copy of the last version of schc-test before hackathon103 with submodules
schc-hackathon/micropython where micropython is straighforwardly cloned
schc-hackathon/micropython-lib where micropython-lib is straighforwardly cloned

Extra repositories

Repository Default Branch Content How to use
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