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2011 OTP Workshop Attendees

Andrew Byrd edited this page Dec 17, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. David Daily, C-Tran
  2. Sean Barbeau, CUTR/USF
  3. Brendon Hemily, ITS America
  4. Steve Krippner, King County Metro Transit
  5. Dan Kaempff, Metro
  6. Andrew Byrd, OpenPlans
  7. David Emory, OpenPlans
  8. David Turner, OpenPlans
  9. Kevin Webb, OpenPlans
  10. Matthew Barnes, Oregon DOT
  11. De Meyers, Sound Transit
  12. Mike Strong, Sound Transit
  13. Aaron Antrim, Trillium Transit
  14. Bibiana McHugh, TriMet
  15. Debbie Huntington, TriMet
  16. Frank Purcell, TriMet
  17. Jeff Frane, TriMet
  18. Mike Gilligan, TriMet
  19. Tim McHugh, TriMet
  20. Wyatt Baldwin, TriMet
  21. Betsy Breyer, TriMet OSM Intern
  22. Grant Humphries, TriMet OSM Intern
  23. Mele Sax-Barnett, TriMet OSM Intern
  24. PJ Houser, TriMet OSM Intern
  25. Abraham Kololli, Utah Transit Authority
  26. Wojciech Kulesza, goEuropa (via webcast)
  27. Gerry Tumbali, RTA Chicago (via webcast)
  28. Lisa Fliam, RTD Denver (via webcast)
  29. Trent Ratcliff, RTD Denver (via webcast)
  30. Yaron Evron, Yaron Evron Engineering (via webcast)
  31. Roy Bick (via webcast)
  32. Karel Novotny (via webcast)

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