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Weekly check in 2011.10.06

Andrew Byrd edited this page Dec 17, 2014 · 1 revision

Participants: David Emory, David Turner, Kevin Webb, Andrew Byrd, Bibiana McHugh, Frank Purcell and the TriMet intern team


  • DE - Focused on front-end / elevation coding.

  • AB - Substantially rewrote Eclipse how-to. Routing - heuristics now better take trip options into account.

  • DT - Priority has been responding to TriMet bugs.

  • FP - Focused on TriMet map / interface.

  • TriMet Interns - several issues, including triangle weighting, safety & downhills, narrative / "bogus" streets

  • Bibiana - Discussed PR strategy and general 10/14 logistics. Some discussion about 10/26 webinar.

General discussion about status of code; goal is stable graph by next Tuesday.

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