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Documentation to be Done

Denzo77 edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 7 revisions

Useful Things to add to the Wiki or Elsewhere

REV11 Fixes Including Workaround for C11 Issue

Would be nice to show people how to do the fixups.

See errata for REV11:

Eg C11 can be temporarily bridged with a link of thin wire, or replaced with a permanent link.

How to Build a REV7/REV8/REV11 I2CEXT Dongle

For those that want a standard dongle to connect to boards with our I2CEXT V1 14-pin connector, which allows both SPI (for burning a bootloader) and serial/FTIC connections, this is the how-to for (eg) Veroboard.

How to Build a REV2 or REV11 Stats hub for FS20 or Secure Comms

Common ways of putting listen-only stats hubs together for secure and non-secure comms. Dongle diagram:

(Damon has one or two available with pics if helpful...)

Documentation of the UI and CLI.

i.e. what does !r2 mean? What do the various LED behaviours mean? What do the various strings output to the CLI mean? Currently they can be found if you know exactly what source file you need to look in for that particular case, but it would make life easier if there was a central place where they can be found.

How to program REV7/TRV1.5

In the same manner as REV11 firmware loading instructions

Fix dead links in ATMEGA-firmware-programming page

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