A python network request library that will not throw exceptions
When timeout, network connection error, server error, etc.,
will raise the exception, there will be a lot of try ... except ...
in the code.
Under the above problems, I developed a reqe
based on the requests library, which is as simple as requests
git clone git@github.com:ophlr/reqe.git
pip install reqe
import reqe
# use default setting, it can be used like request
response = reqe.get("https://www.baidu.com")
if response:
# specify the params that you like
# retries: How many retries, If you don’t want to resend the request, you can set retries to 0
# delay: time between two requests
# backoff: delay = delay * backoff
response = reqe.get("https://www.google.com", retries=3, delay=3, backoff=2)
# when `requests` raises an exception, `reqe` will catch it and let the response be None
if response:
# how to use reqe with session
session = reqe.session()
response = session.get("https://www.google.com", retries=1, delay=3, backoff=2)