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Tim Middleton edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 5 revisions


The purpose of this page is to list troubleshooting guides and work-arounds for issues that you may run into when using the Coherence Go Client. This page will be updated and maintained over time to include common issues we see from customers.

Receiving "first record does not look like a TLS handshake"


You receive the following error trying to create a session using coherence.NewSession:

code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: 
    tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake"


You are trying to connect to a non TLS enabled gRPC Proxy using TLS. You should either specify coherence.WithPlainText() or correctly enable TLS. See NewSession for more information.

Receiving the error "Method not found: coherence.NamedCacheService/isReady" when calling IsReady()


The following error is returned when calling IsReady() on a NamedMap or NamedCache:

Method not found: coherence.NamedCacheService/isReady


This message means that the gRPC proxy version does not support the IsReady() call. You must have CE versions 22.06.5+ or 23.03.1+ or commercial version 14.1.1-2206-5+ which support IsReady().

Issues using NamedMap with Aggregators


If you have something similar to this and you are seeing compilation errors:

namedCache, err := coherence.GetNamedCache[int, Person](session, "aggregation-test")
values, err := coherence.Aggregate(ctx, namedMap, aggregators.Distinct(extractors.Extract[string]("department")))


Due to limitations with Go generics, you must sometimes include all the type parameters for Aggregate and Invoke methods.

values, err := coherence.Aggregate[int, Person, []string](ctx, namedMap, aggregators.Distinct(extractors.Extract[string]("department")))