Various scripts for automating tasks in nautilus (The GNOME file manager). It's in Alpha stage right now and might not work for you. Use at your own risk.
[] Make unit-tests.
[] Change the install method.
[] Fix svg to png to preserve transparency.
[] Make the code a little cleaner and standard across each script.
[] Test on ubuntu (especially the heic format).
[] Be more specific about image formats, allowing all formats supported by the system.
[x] Improve the rotation of pdf.
[x] Multi-threaded image rotation.
[x] Separate the installation of the pdf and image scripts.
[x] Fix the rotation to actually rotate multi-page pdfs and GIFs.
- ImageMagick-devel
- Version 7.1.1-33
- makefile
- used for the install script
- pypdf==4.3.1
- Wand==0.6.13
- For Fedora
git clone && \
cd nautilus-scripts && \
sudo dnf install ImageMagick-devel make && \
pip install --user Wand pypdf && \
make pdf image
- For Debian
git clone && \
cd nautilus-scripts && \
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev make && \
pip install --user Wand pypdf && \
make pdf image
On Fedora this requires rpm-fusion repositories installed and enabled.
dnf install ImageMagick-heic libheif-freeworld
From the nautilus file browser, right click a file and under the scripts folder select the appropriate script.
In case you installed an earlier version, many of the file names were changed and you can delete the old files with the '' script. The script compares the md5sum of the files, so if you modified any of the old files, it won't delete them.