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Ground acoustic

Bocher edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 1 revision

The table ground_acoustic merges the vegetation, water and impervious tables build by GeoClimate. The ground_acoustic table contains an absorption coefficient (g column) to estimate the acoustic energy losses on reflection for a specific surface. Each surface is unique and potential overlaps are eliminated by giving a priority to the input layers. The priorities and the mapping between the type of the input geometries (vegetation, water...) are described in a JSON file.

To compute the ground_acoustic table the following parameters must be set to the workflow configuration file.


Below is the schema of the ground_acoustic table.

Name Type Constraints Definition
the_geom POLYGON X Y dimension Geometry
id_ground SERIAL not null Identifier of the ground surface
g FLOAT Acoustic absorption coefficient
type INTEGER Value allowing to distinguish the type of surface according the input layers
layer VARCHAR Name of the input layer
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