Gustavo Semenuk
Data Science | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Fraud Prevention
PicPay São Paulo, São Paulo
Adilson R Martins
Pursuing degree in Systems Analysis & Development at FIAP. Career shift to tech & dev, leveraging extensive comm, marketing, planning & biz strategy experience.
São Paulo, Brazil
our world is an interconnected system straining under the burden of its own complexity
Pale Blue Dot
Richard Tavares
Desenvolvedor Full Stack | PHP | Laravel | Typescript | JavaScript | Node.js | Vue.js | MySQL
@iRede Extrema-MG, Brasil
Ian Akio Ishi
Technologist in Artificial Intelligence and studying a bachelor's degree in Information Systems, I am passionate about technology and I love working with it.
Brazil, São Paulo.
Leticia Resina
Desenvolvedora e designer, além de artista de tudo e mais um pouco! Estudando Engenheira de Software na FIAP!
FIAP São Paulo, SP.
Robert Tolentino
Comercial and technical assistant. Bachelor degree as a mechanical engineer and studying analysis and systems development
São Bernardo do Campo/SP
Marília Cuenca
Sou novata no mundo da programação e quero desbravá-lo!
Sou estudante do curso de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na FIAP e Analista de Suporte na IBM.
@IBM @FIAP Sao Paulo, Brazil