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DDang_ I-am-ddang
I am DDang_ (I don't have any official contact yet)
Isaac Andrade IsaacAndra
Hy there, my name's Isaac! Developer, Java 🔥 , Web.

Brasília - DF / Brazil

akemy akwmy

Paraíba, Brazil

André Victor hechfx

São Paulo, Brazil

Matheus Santana MatheusRed
📖Software Developer student at FAM. 🎓Technical course in I.T from CEPRO. Looking for a job.

Be Haze Brazil

Bruno Ribeiro brunorsch
Java Developer, Kotlin (JetBrains at all) passionate, and Minecrafter.

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

xDeltaFox xDeltaFox
Fundador do @MistakeTeam ❤️✌🏾 Estudante de Ciência da Computação na UFF 📚

@MistakeTeam Niterói, Rio de Janeiro