Onyemenam Ndubuisi
Software Engineer, continuously optimizing for better user experiences.
Owerri, Imo. Nigeria.
Teodor Janez Podobnik
Software Developer with a focus on:
Kubernetes, eBPF and Cloud ☁️
Prewave Ljubljana, Slovenia
Alessio Greggi
Software Engineer | Full time cat food opener | Enthusiastic reader and hiker
SUSE Italy
Rafael David Tinoco
Code Barista at http://Listen.dev. Former Tracee (eBPF) Core Dev. Former Ubuntu Core Dev. C, Go, Python, eBPF, Kernel, Virtualization, Networking, Security, AI.
Listen.dev Bletchley Park
Francesco Di Donato
Grant me the serenity to accept the scripts I cannot change,
courage to change the scripts I can,
and wisdom to know the best way to refactor them.
Canosa di Puglia, Puglia, BT