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Korneel Van den Berghe korneelf1
Visiting researcher at the Edge Computing Lab at Harvard University

TU Delft, Harvard University Boston, MA

Kazybek Askarbek QazyBi
Data Scientist


Simon Simon-dl
Ars longa, vita brevis
Mehmet Ozturan mozturan
AI, Robotics, Computer Vision, Games and etc. (eng/ar/tr)


Ph.D. candidate at University Hamburg

agile robots AG Munich

Alireza Nobakht alirezanobakht13
Computer Engineering student @ Isfahan University of Technology. Interested in AI, especially Reinforcement Learning

Isfahan University of Technology

David Juanwu Lu juanwulu
Fret not over bygones and the forward journey take.

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Chandandeep Singh csingh27
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation

DFKI Robotics Innovation Center @dfki-ric Bremen, Germany


University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Maciej Aleksandrowicz macmacal
PhD Student | Robotics Software Engineer

AGH University of Krakow KrakΓ³w, Poland

Huan Yin HuanYin94


liping-li yycs66

Ohio Stat university

Haoyi Zhu HaoyiZhu
1st-year Ph.D. student @ Shanghai AI Lab & USTC, advised by Prof. Wanli Ouyang & Prof. Xiaogang Wang. Interested in Robot Manipulation, Embodied AI & 3D Vision.

Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Shanghai, China

Cheng Guo Zweisteine96
Bachelor @zju. Master @kit. Now work @iit See you space cowboy.

KIT Karlsruhe

Gunbir sheeerio

Vancouver, Canada

Silvio Traversaro traversaro
If you mentioned me and I did not reply in the last 72h, probably I lost the message somehow, so please ping me, thanks!

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa

Yu Lei TheKnight-Z
Senior Undergrad @sjtu; Previous intern @mlpc-ucsd; Embodied AI; Cognitive Science; Iron Man!

Shanghai, China

Freax Ruby H-Freax
πŸ”¬ RA @ Helping Hands Lab @ Information Experience and Accessibility Lab | πŸŽ“ IS @ NEU | πŸ€– | 🦾 Robotic Arm | πŸ“š LLM | 🧠 NLP & ML | πŸ‘οΈ CV πŸ±πŸΆπŸ―πŸ¦πŸ¦‹

Northeastern University Boston

GAURAV CHAUDHARY gaurav-gaurav
Research Scholar at IIT Kanpur

@IIT Kanpur Kanpur, India


south China university of technology Guangzhou, China

Tuobang Li tubanlee
Theoretical statistics & Biostatistics, Studied at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley China

Rufat Bayramov rrufat
biodigital jazz

Tampere, Finland

Simas simasj

Vilnius, Lithuania

Theo Wolf TheodoreWolf
Machine Learning + physics

Carbon Re

Marwan Taher Marwan99

Imperial College London

joonhyung-lee joonhyung-lee
MS @ Korea University.

Korea University Seoul, Repulic of Korea

for the possible truth
