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Jan Oliver Rüdiger notesjor
#NLProc #TextMining #Linguistics #DataScience #DigitalHumanities #PostDoc - mother&father of: - 🏭: @IDS_Mannheim

IDS - Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache Düsseldorf

Adrien Barbaresi adbar
Research scientist – natural language processing, web scraping and text analytics. Mostly with Python.

Berlin-Brg. Academy of Sciences (BBAW) Berlin

Philip Molloy pamolloy


Nils Diewald Akron
Research Software Engineer in the field of Corpus and Computational Linguistics

Mannheim, Germany

Axelle Lecroq axellelecroq
digital humanist | almuni of the École nationale des @chartes

Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) Berlin