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What is a supporting widget of gridx? [v1.1]

nkolban edited this page Jan 31, 2013 · 9 revisions

A gridx supporting widget or utility is anything that works for a gridx. It is not a part of gridx, even if it has some UI.

In Gridx 1.1, supporting widgets and utilities have been moved out of the gridx/modules/ directory and placed in a separate one called gridx/support/. Currently there are 7 supporting widgets and 3 supporting functions:

Supporter Type Sample
LinkPager Widget
LinkSizer Widget
DropDownPager Widget
DropDownSizer Widget
GotoPageButton (GotoPageDialog) Widget
Summary Widget
QuickFilter Widget
exporter/toCSV Function N/A
exporter/toTable Function N/A
printer Function N/A

Note that exporter and printer are now just functions, accepting a gridx instance as their first argument:

], function(......, toCSV){
     toCSV(grid, {...});

Although they can be used in the Bar module, as described in this article, they can also be used separately. For example, you can create a gridx/support/LinkPager widget in another area of your page far from the grid it is working for. All you have to do when creating them, is to pass a grid instance:

var pager = new LinkPager({
     grid: grid     // a grid instance is expected

Besides this, it is just like any other ordinary widget. Nothing special.

Yes, you can also write one for yourself, or contribute back here. :-)