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A PHP framework for rapidly building web applications.


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OriginPHP Framework

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OriginPHP is a MVC web application framework for PHP developers designed to be fast, easy to use (and learn) and highly scalable. It is modeled upon CakePHP and Ruby On Rails (Which CakePHP was modeled upon). It comes with a Dockerized development environment.


  • ORM database with support for MySQL, Postgres & SQLite.
  • Caching that supports APCu, Redis, Memcache and File based cache.
  • Web Applications using MVC pattern
  • Console Applications and Commands
  • Caching concern which caches all the database results for your web application
  • Middleware (Firewall,IDS,Throttle and Profiler)
  • Migrations - update your database using migrations
  • Code Generation and scaffolding
  • Integration Testing for Web Applications and Console Commands
  • Queue System for background jobs, with both Database and Redis engines
  • Form helper
  • Date,time,and number formating,validation and delocalization support
  • Internationalization (I18n)
  • Manage events using the Publisher Pattern
  • Http utility for making get,post,patch,put and delete requests
  • Yaml reading and writing
  • CSV reading and writing
  • XML reading and writing
  • Html parsing and converting
  • Markdown parsing and converting
  • Storage system which supports local disk, FTP, SFTP, S3 and ZIP.
  • Service Objects
  • Repositories
  • Query Objects
  • Send Email using SMTP with support OAUTH2
  • Mailboxes - receive and process emails using piping, IMAP or POP3.
  • Collections
  • and much more

See the documentation to find out more. If you want to help contribute make this even better then I would love to hear from you.


Download the source code

$ git clone originphp

Run composer install

$ cd originphp
$ composer install

Rename the phpunit.xml.dist and edit the settings for the database connection and other services.

Create two databases origin_test and origin which are used by testing.

Then run PHPUnit

$ vendor/bin/phpunit

You can send an email to

Jamiel Sharief