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[Proof of Concept] Purely functional composable effects with error channels

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[POC] Functional Error Handling with Mergeable Monads

Problem Statement

When dealing with errors in monadic computations, common practice is to use a single most common error type to define the possible error outcomes (via EitherT or a like monad transformer or by incorporating the error type directly in the monad, like Throwable for IO of cats-effect or user-specified type for ZIO's ZIO).

As the result, to preserve monad composability, all errors must be subtypes of the chosen common type, even though they may belong to different areas of the business domain.

Error handling assumes the handling code takes an argument of the common error type, which is essentially as bad a practice as try { .. } catch { case ex: Throwable => .. } in imperative Scala.

This project is a proof of concept bringing a more type-safe error handling, close to one provided by Java's checked exceptions.

Using Coproduct

The proposed approach is to use coproduct type (here, Coproduct from shapeless library) to encode the possible error outcomes in EitherT monad transformer (the concept may be generalized onto monad families such as ZIO, which are already parameterized by error type).

It will then be possible to handle a particular type of error, which would exclude it and its subtypes from the coproduct type, much like catch statement in Java excludes types from method's throws declaration. The difference from catch statement is that no runtime checks for the type are performed: a type element of coproduct is considered handled if and only if it is provable at compile time that the handled error type is the supertype of the element type.

Example. Let type ErrorCode = Int.
Let error type E = String :+: ErrorCode :+: Throwable :+: CNil, handled error type H = AnyRef.
After handling, the resulting error type R = ErrorCode :+: CNil, since the compiler is able to prove String <: AnyRef and Throwable <: AnyRef.

Example. Let T1 and T2 be traits and type C <: T1 with T2. Let error type E = T1 :+: T2 :+: CNil. If an error of type C occurs, it will only be guaranteed to be handled if both T1 and T2 are handled.

Mergeable Monads

Having monad parameterized by varying error type breaks composability, since we essentially are working with a different monad for each given error type.
The proposed solution is to define a merge operation over monads.

Definition. Let be a set of monads. Let μ map any two monads M₁ ∈ ℳ and M₂ ∈ ℳ to a triplet (R, N₁, N₂) where R ∈ ℳ, N₁ is a natural transformation from M₁ to R, and N₂ is a natural transformation from M₂ to R. We call the pair (ℳ, μ) a mergeable monad set.

This structure enables us to generalize flatMap to different monads from . We introduce flatMapMerge operation:
flatMapMerge(m1: M₁[A], f: A => M₂[B]): R[B] = flatMap(N₁(m1), a => N₂(f(a))).


We implement mergeable monad set as a type family MonadMerge[M[_, _], C[_, _, _]].
M[_, _] is a monad family, M[L, *] being a monad for each type L admissible as the left type parameter.
C[_, _, _] is a type family encoding the merge relation between monads in M. For each two admissible monad-parameterizing types L1 and L2 there must exist a single admissible monad-parameterizing type R such that an implicit instance of C[L1, L2, R] is defined.

For error handling, we use EitherT[F, *, *] as M, F[_] being the undelying monad. The admissible monad-parameterizing types are shapeless.Coproduct subtypes. Parameterization with CNil means that no errors may occur in the left channel.

C is implemented using implicit macros (see fundep materialization).

Error Type Normalization

One set of possible error types should normally be represented by the same Coproduct type. That is,

  1. types constituting the coproduct should be ordered deterministically;
  2. if type A is an element of error coproduct type, then no other type element B in this coproduct may be such that A <: B is provable.

Coproducts not satisfying these conditions do not arise when merging two error coproducts, since the implementation takes care of yielding a normalized type.

Non-normalized coproducts may still occur when

  1. manually constructing EitherT[L <: Coproduct, A]; L may be an arbitrary non-normalized coproduct.
  2. working with generic error types.

Suppose this function is defined:

  // the inferred result type depends on type parameter A:
  def useDelegate[A](delegate: EitherT[IO, A :+: CNil, Array[Byte]])
    : EitherT[IO, String :+: A :+: CNil, Array[Byte]] =
     delegate >>+ { bytes =>
         bytes.length < (1 << 20),
         "Array is too long."))

At the call site:

  val result: EitherT[IO, String :+: String :+: CNil, Array[Byte]] = 
      EitherT.leftT[IO, Array[Byte]]("Could not fetch the array.")))

the resulting error type becomes non-normalized String :+: String :+: CNil, since A is String.

As merge result must be normalized, we additionally require that, given a mergeable monad set (ℳ, μ),
μ(M₁, M₂) = (R, N₁, N₂) => μ(R, R) = (R, id, id).

Normalization may be manually performed via normalize when needed.


[Proof of Concept] Purely functional composable effects with error channels







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