Neuromorphic simulator with two modes of computation:
- Agent Based Mode (ABM) - SuperNeuroABM
- Matrix Computation - SuperNeuroMAT
Python version >=3.8
Optional requirements if running on GPU:
CUDA enabled GPU with compute compatibility 6.0+
CUDA drivers
pip install superneuroabm
Or if the above doesn't work, you can try this:
pip install git+
from superneuroabm.model import NeuromorphicModel
SuperNeuroABM allows one to run simulations on GPUs. It can be accessed by instantiating the model as
NeuromorphicModel(use_cuda = True)
Requirements: Python version >=3.8
pip install superneuromat
Or if the above doesn't work try the following from the github repo:
pip install git+
from superneuromat.neuromorphicmodel import NeuromorphicModel
In each of the modes, the neuromorphicmodel allows the user to create neurons and synapses as per the application or algorithm requirements.
Jupyter notebooks with tutorials for each of the two modes of SuperNeuro are located in the 'Tutorials' directory.
Arxiv Preprint available at: