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Ortense's Neovim Config

This is my personal neovim config, feel free to use as is or fork and customize for better match with your workflow.

I use some plugins that help me in my day work.


neovim with catppuccin theme

Starting by the theme I use the mocha flavored Catppuccin, this plugin also have all other variants. As status line I use lualine with minimal config and same color schema.

noice notifications and command palette

For command pallet and notifications, noice create a realy good experience with floating popups

which-key displaying all command

Which-key make all shortcuts documented and discoverable, I just press <space> and flow the command.

neotree as a floating window

Neo-tree is my floating tree-view, easy and helpful to create, delete or move files.


Telescope find files

Telescope is by far the most used plugin here, extremily helpful to jump between files, buffers, symbols and more.

Hop goto word

To navigate throught the text I like Hop, for me is the fast way to move to specific points of the code.

Git integration

Neogit ui

Neogit is the main integrated UI for git, but to be fair I use LazyGit more then Neogit, both are really good options for git TUI.

Git diff with diffview

Diffview is a good way to see file changes side-by-side.

git decoration by Gitsigns

Finally, Gitsigns adds decoration, inline blame, preview hunks and more

Dependency management

neotree as a floating window

Lazy and Mason are a amazing duo, all works good and help me to mantain an organized and modular setup.

Code manipulation

a lot of other plugins

Under the hood has a lot of plugins thats provides an amazing and smooth code experience on neovin, my personal picks are:


This is not a neovim distribution, is only my personal setup, this repo is more a about my jorney with neovim than a guide or a recomendation. Anyway this works realy well for me and I'm happy to share. The process to learn and understand all of then could be a bit hard, but is cool, learn new thinks is cool.

Neovim is a good tool, but could not be the best for you, if you looking for a complete distribution, my personal recomendation is NvChad, if you just want to learn vim motions maybe the better option is a plugin in your favorite editor or IDE.
