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Minutes for OSGi Specification Project calls

David Bosschaert edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 56 revisions

The minutes of these calls are now sent out via the osgi-dev mailing list. This provides a better long-term archive of decisions, and gives more opportunity for the community to reply/get involved.

Pending PRs and Open Issues are generally discussed during spec project calls. These are not explicitly minuted as the history of these can be found in Github already.

2024-01-18 - 1600 UTC


  • Stefan Bischof
  • Tim Ward
  • David Bosschaert
  • Amit Kumar Mondal
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Tom Watson
  • Thomas Calmant
  • James Hunt

Christophe has made an update to the upcoming Whiteboard Specification for Jakarta™ XML Web Services spec for everyone to review. We need to get a built pdf of the chapter for review. Tim/Stefan/Christophe will produce and attach to the wiki.

Update of servlet whiteboard spec, PR - David suggests to avoid increasing the major version of the spec and do a minor update if possible. After some discussion consensus is that a minor update should work, bringing this spec to version 2.1

Typed Event Spec 1.1
James says that he finds the definition of history control too loose.
Tim asks James for a proposal.
Long discussion about implementation details / how to achieve this.

Discussion about support for Java Records in Type Safe Events.
Records were introduced in Java 16 so have been in 2 LTS releases. OTOH an implementation of the Type Safe Events spec should not be required to support records when running on an older Java implementation.

2023-04-23 - 1500 UTC


  • Stefan Bischof
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Grzegorz Grzybek
  • Hannes Wellmann
  • Thomas Watson
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Todor Boev
  • Tim Ward


  • Issues
    • Flacky CDI Test
    • Stefan talks about #584 - Optionals for the Converter
      • Stefan suggests splitting the issue. One for the original intend and one for the handling of missing attributes in maps.
      • Will be split, so Stefans PR can move on.


  • Discussed several TCP fix PRs
    • #583
    • #582

Meeting ends 1542 UTC

2023-040-12 Call


  • Tim Ward
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • Thomas CALMANT
  • Todor Boev
  • Grzegorz Grzybek

During this call the following issues were discussed:

#574 Multi-Release Bundles - progress has stalled somewhat. It appears that bnd will not accept the Multiple Resource model and Tim has limited capacity to keep chasing this through. Awaiting further input from Peter.

#575 Jakarta Websocket Whiteboard - initial requirements gathering has begun. Scope clarification is needed (e.g. is client support included). Grzegorz has agreed to provide some input based on the PAX Web implementation.

#579 and #580 Webcontainer test logging - This is a logging issue and doesn't affect the test logic. Merged on the call

#576 Webcontainer symbolic name usage - The tests should not use invalid names

#577 WAB Classpath modification - The test logic is valid, but the comments are not. Grzegorz will create a PR to update the comments and make them clearer

#578 WAB manifest headers - General consensus is that the test appears incorrect, but changing it will cause the RI to fail. Grzegorz to do some additional debug to determine why the RI behaves as it does in case this is another case of poor commenting in the tests.


Grzegorz has offered to begin a specification update for chapter 128 (Web Container) to cover moving to the Jakarta namespace

2023-03-29 Call


  • David Bosscheart
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Tim Ward
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Thomas Watson
  • Thomas Calmant
  • Hannes Wellmann
  • BJ Hargrave
  • Todor Boev

During this call, the following issues were discussed:

#575 Websockets Support - general consensus is that we can go ahead with the requirements gathering.

#574 Multi-release bundles.

2023-03-01 Call


  • Stefan Bischof
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Thomas Watson
  • Grzegorz Grzybek
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • David Bosscheart
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Hannes Wellmann


  • BJ announced last call that he will move on from OSGi and will vacate his post as Project Lead of the Spec and the technology Project.
  • Need to elect new Lead and Co-Lead for Spec Project and Tech Project.
  • Official proceedings not clear at the moment.
  • Tim offered to be the colead (Jürgen acts as Proxy)
  • With BJ we lost more then just a lead. Also release architect and manger.
  • Tom: IBM relies heavily on bnd and hasn't pushed new specs in the past years. Thus no drive to take the lead here.
  • Stefan is willing to do more.
  • if(Tim = true) { Stefan = true }
  • Mark and Jürgen offer to be project Leads of the technology project.

ToDo: Jürgen find out how the election could work.

Tom takes lead for the technical part for this Meeting.


  • Will be solved outside of OSGi.
    • Tom and Paul want to work on a Util Project to have a delegate here
    • Christoph asks if there is a more official way to get this fixed in the JDK.
    • Tom will try to find out how the official process would look like #556
  • Karaf has something similar
  • Karaf Features can depend on each other
  • Suggestion to use requirements and capabilities to provide such a dependency
  • Grzegorz will provide issues for issues that are missing.

End Call

2023-01-18 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • David Bosschaert
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Tim Ward
  • Tom Watson
  • Grzegorz Grzybek

Christoph is asking if it is possible to release the Core R8 TCKs into Maven Central.
BJ will look into this, it would be releasing the R8 TCK artifacts.

Discussed the following:

  • PRs: #550
  • Issues: #558, #556, #555

As part of this discussion extensions to the Feature Specification are made. Grzegorz mentions parallels in the Karaf project which we should look at for inspiration.
Tom also mentions that we need an identity type for feature documents. (Edit: this is already defined in the existing feature spec as being 'osgifeature': )

End of call. Next call: Wednesday February 15 2023, 1600UTC.

2023-01-04 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • David Bosschaert
  • Hannes Wellmann
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Tom Watson
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • Jürgen Albert

The Compendium 8.1 release has concluded with a successful ballot. The release is completed and all the TCKs are now also in Maven Central.

Christophe says that it would be great if it would be easy for a project to state that they are spec compliant (discussion #543).
Jürgen/BJ: there is no need to be a member of the working group for this. Jürgen will dig up the text.

Projects can already go ahead to run tcks and state that they do so, everything is available for that.

There is some work needed to make it easy to 'drop in' an implementation to the TCK. #416

Long discussion about ways running the tck tests and what constitutes compliance to the tck.

To officially declare compliance with a spec, a very specific process needs to be followed. By deviating from this process an implementation may know that it mostly works, but that information cannot be used to declare compliance.

Additional issues discussed: #538, 536, 535

End of call. Next call: Wednesday January 18 2023, 1600UTC.

2022-12-07 Call


  • Grzegorz Grzybek
  • Hannes Wellmann
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Stefan Bischof
  • BJ Hargrave
  • Amit Kumar Mondal
  • Tim Ward
  • David Bosschaert

Compendium 8.1:
RC1 artifact are on Maven Central.
Final build planned for Dec 9.
Monday 12 Dec vote kickoff. Vote for spec committee Dec 16.

Grzegorz wants to look at updating the Web Application Spec (chapter 128).
BJ: one of the problems of this spec is that the compatible implementation is antiquated and should be updated. Grzegorz thinks that Pax Web could potentially become a compatible implementation and will look into this for Compendium R9.

Discussion about why sometimes specs are removed. Christoph says that the Blueprint spec was removed but that there are still a lot of people using it.
BJ: the previous releases of Blueprint are still published and valid, there is was simply nobody at the time of removal who wanted to put the time in to maintain the spec, RI and CT. It can be brought back if someone is happy to keep it maintained.

The following bugs were discussed: 486, 514, 520, 521

End of call. Next call: Wednesday December 21 2022, 1600UTC.

2022-11-22 Call


  • Grzegorz Grzybek (PaxWeb)
  • Hannes Wellmann (PDI)
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • Stefan Bischof

Short introduction of Grzegorz Grzybek and Hannes Wellmann. Stefan gave same information about how the spec-call normally works. Grzegorz Grzybek and Hannes Wellmann had been invited to next call.

2022-10-25/2022-10-26 F2F meeting

A face-to-face spec meeting was held at the FMZ during the OSGi Summit at EclipseCon 2022.


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Tim Ward
  • Thomas Calmant
  • Mark Hoffmann (only 25/10)
  • Guido Grune
  • Christer Larsson
  • James Hunt
  • David Bosschaert
  • Amit Kumar Mondal
  • Thomas Driessen (only 25/10)


  • Stefan Bischof
  • Kai Hackbarth

Discussion about release schedule for Compendium 8.1.
8.1 will contain the following updates:

Discussion about bug #474
The coordinator should not expose any intermediate state.

bug 481, 442 and 43

Discussion about the effects of using the BundleReference.getBundle() API on a closed BundleContext (which extends BundleReference). It should return the bundle still even though it has been closed.

Compendium 8.1, which Jakarta release should we be aiming for?
We should aim for Jakarta 9
We need to ensure that for Portable contracts only a single package version and contract name matches a single contract name. For Jakarta 8 we have overlapping JavaXXX and JakartaXXX contracts - as it is confusing which contract to depend on, we should only have 1 choice. For this case we need to remove the JakartaXXX contracts as they are the same as the JavaXXX contracts.

New Feature Launcher design proposal.
David walks through his initial design proposal and receives feedback.

8.1 Compendium timelines

  • Nov 4 2022 RC1 of APIs to be published
  • Nov 18 All code and spec changes should be in place
  • Dec 9 Have the release
  • Dec 16 Have the spec committee vote on it.

2022-09-14 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • Tom Watson
  • Todor Boev
  • David Bosschaert

Discussion of issues:

If we update JPA we should update it to use Jakarta.

Most OSGi/JPA implementation support the propose change, including Gemini and Aries.

  • Issue #463 - OSGi Connect

Second option seems the way to go. We can use a default method to avoid the major version bump.

Don't forget the OSGi Summit at EclipseCon.

Next call: Wednesday September 28, 2022.

2022-08-31 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • Tom Watson
  • Tim Ward
  • Todor Boev

Discussion of PRs.

After discussion, BJ merges PR 462. BJ will look into which BundleContext methods are framework specific vs. bundle specific to consider allowing the framework specific methods to continue working on a closed BundleContext. BJ will open a new issue to track TCK changes for 462.

Discussion of bugs/issues.

470: Update Core spec to make clear getEntry does not participate in multi-release shenanigans. Update DS spec to discuss multi-release: tools are not required to process version folders, component impl class should not be versioned and should instead depend upon a versioned helper class if necessary.

469: After discussion, this project is not currently interested in this.

463: Defer further discussion until more research is done.

449: Closed as fixed.

385: Need to update Jersey deps

455: When we update the JPA spec, we also need to update for jakarta namespace.

436: Closed as withdrawn.

Next call: Wednesday September 14, for details and local time see the calendar at

2022-07-20 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Jürgen Albert (briefly)
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • David Bosschaert
  • Raymond Augé
  • Tom Watson

BJ starts with describing the OSGi activities planned around the EclipseCon timeframe.
We could have a dedicated OSGi-talk day, on Monday October 24.
Then we could have spec-related days on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 October.
Jürgen mentions that he has spoken with the EclipseCon committee and that we are offered with a room nearby that we could use. There would be a cost involved.
David says that at least for some the cost of the conference may be an issue. Normally if you're a speaker there is no cost.
Jürgen, this is an issue that will need to be discussed within the Steering Committee.

Discussion of bugs/issues.

BJ discusses the proposed update to the Promise API.

Discussion about the runtime exceptions in the framework API that are generally not helpful. For example ServiceRegistration.unregister() can throw an IllegalStateException.
Christophe proposes new methods that don't throw these.
BJ suggests to remove these RuntimeExceptions from the signature.
David is concerned that we are making a semantic change, albeit small, which might cause things to break. Consensus is to survey the APIs and make a proposal.

Mark says that he has been working on a JAXRS Whiteboard implementation that he would like to be hosted at OSGi/Eclipse. We need to come up with a package name for it and find a location (either existing repo or a new repo).

Next call: Wednesday August 31st, for details and local time see the calendar at

2022-06-22 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Guido Grune
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Mark Hoffmann
  • David Bosschaert

Carsten has reported that he still has some issue with the build.
BJ will check if he can see something.

Discussion about bugs: #448

Stefan is requesting an update release of the JDBC spec sometime soon.
Maybe we can release a Compendium 8.1 sometime? This way we could do a release of Compendium before a new release of Core is done, and still keep the major release numbers aligned.

Another benefit of this would be that the release will be in Maven Central.

Next call: Wednesday July 6th, for details and local time see the calendar at

2022-06-08 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Tim Ward
  • David Bosschaert
  • Christoph Läubrich
  • Tom Watson
  • Mark Hoffmann

BJ moved the entire build over to Java 17. This should help with the specwork for technologies that need newer versions than Java 8.
There is one exception: the custom JavaDoc doclet, that doesn't work with Java 17 yet and needs to be refactored ( For the moment it's just executed with Java 8.
BJ is interested if this solves the problems that Carsten Ziegeler had before.

Discussion about various issue tickets (see for details).

David mentions that he has started on an implementation of a Feature Launcher on a branch in Apache Felix. He intends to start on the design document soon.

Next call: Wednesday June 22th, for details and local time see the calendar at

2022-05-25 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Tim Ward
  • David Bosschaert
  • Stefan Bischof

Discussion about PRs and issues.

BJ has started on the Java Contracts.

David says that Carsten has the new Http Whiteboard API and Tests done. There are some issues with building the spec using Java 11.
BJ: that is likely due to the custom doclet. We need to fix this. BJ will create an issue for this.

2022-05-11 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Tom Watson
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Stefan Bischof
  • David Bosschaert
  • Mark Hoffman
  • Raymond Augé

Discussion about R9

  • Core R9

Strawman date: Nov 1st, 2022

  • Compendium R9

Do we aim for Jakarta 9 or 10?
In general aim to support Jakarta 9, since Jakarta 10 specs will (generally) be backward compatible with 9. However individual OSGi-Jakarta related specs can opt to support newer (J10) features.

Discussion about Java 8 vs Java 11 for API signatures.
Consensus to stay on Java 8 for the API unless a certain spec has a specific need to move up to Java 11 for the API (like Http Whiteboard). Then we can require Java 11 for the API of that spec only.

Strawman date: March 1st, 2023

BJ: we need to increase activity to get things done!

2022-04-27 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Tim Ward
  • Tom Watson
  • Todor Boev
  • David Bosschaert
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Jürgen Albert
  • Mark Hoffman

David: JB Onofre from Eclipsecon has been so kind to arrange us a room at Eclipsecon Ludwigsburg on Monday October 24th, so we can have hold a OSGi Specification Project F2F there.

Discussion about PRs and issues.

Long discussion about issue #420.

Jürgen has picked up the Condition Factory spec that he worked on in the past and walks the group through his current thinking. The scope seems to have expanded a bit to some additional use-cases.
Long discussion about the details/semantics of this spec and how it interacts with use of services and service objects.

Next call: Wednesday May 11th, for details and local time see the calendar at

2022-04-13 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Tim Ward
  • Mark Hoffman
  • Tom Watson
  • Raymond Augé
  • David Bosschaert
  • Stefan Bischof
  • Jürgen Albert

David on behalf of Carsten has flagged Portable Contracts ( We need these in the updated Jakarta-referencing specs. We should rename the contracts, not just reversion then. The new name should probably be JakartaABC (e.g. JakartaServlet). We should also ask the Jakarta project to include these contracts in their API jars.
BJ will start updating the contract names.

David suggests that we organise a spec project F2F meeting at EclipseCon 2022. Best time would be during the community day, Monday October 24.
David will try to organise a room for this.

Discussion about Feature Launcher spec. Stefan has briefly mentioned some new requirements on the Feature Launcher issue. Stefan will prepare Feature Launcher requirement doc PRs with the details.

Mark and Jürgen would like to bring some OSGi spec implementations to the Eclipse Project.
BJ: we can add repositories for these in the OSGi organisation. As package name we should probably use something that starts with org.osgi.impl...

Stefan indicates that he plans to update the OSGi JDBC spec.
Discussion about how to handle the SHOULDs from the spec in the TCK. It seems that in this case we don't need to differentiate tests for it, but if this would be necessary, Stefan has suggerted a JUnit 5 annotation @EnabledIfSystemProperty.

Next call: Wednesday April 27th, for details and local time see the calendar at

2022-03-30 Call


  • BJ Hargrave
  • Tim Ward
  • Mark Hoffman
  • Tom Watson
  • Raymond Augé
  • Todor Boev
  • Stefan Bischof

Issue 381 - Http Whiteboard update

We discussed the proposal in the branch in the spec call today. It looks good. We had a couple of comments.

  1. ServletContextHelper should be moved into a context sub-package of whiteboard (similar to how it is in a context sub-package in the current Http Whiteboard spec).
  2. The branch should also include the removal of the old org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard projects and other changes related to the replacement by the new org.osgi.service.servlet.whiteboard package.

Issue 385 - Jakarta RESTful Service Whiteboard

We discussed the proposal in the branch in the spec call today. It looks good. We asked for the PR to be moved to a branch which Tim will do.

Issue 416 - TCK use and documentation

BJ suggested modifying how the TCK is packaged and executed to use a more modern maven structure and using bnd-testing-maven-plugin to execute the TCK. This would be more useful for others to see how to run the TCK in their builds once we eventually release the TCK artifacts to Maven Central.

2022-03-02 Call


BJ Hargrave, Mark Hoffman, Tom Watson, Raymond Auge, David Bosschaert, Todor Boev

Discussion about the Feature Launcher Requirements:

Next call: Wednesday March 30th, for details and local time see the calendar at

2022-02-16 Call

The call for Feb 2nd was cancelled.

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Stefan Bischof, Mark Hoffman, Jürgen Albert, Karl Pauls, Tom Watson, Raymond Auge, David Bosschaert, Todor Boev, Tim Ward, Carsten Ziegeler (after 1 hour)

Jürgen has done an OSGi-related interview with Adam Bien, its available here:

We are going through the issues at

Discussion about URL handlers and Java 17+ (, BJ updates the bug with discussion conclusion.

BJ has done the Service Release previously discussed. It contains converter 1.0.9, annotations 8.1.0 and annotations.bundle 2.0.0. David will send out a note on osgi-dev.

Carsten leads the discussion about the Jakarta update for http-whiteboard ( The intention is to make it possible for implementations to support the old http-whiteboard in the same framework together with the new implementations so that users can gradually migrate.

Discussion about Preprocessor. Maybe it should be a clone of the Filter interface rather than an empty subinterface?

Carsten has worked on an updated implementation.

BJ/Stefan: we might move the minimum Java version for OSGi to Java 11, at least for some specifications like the Jakarta related ones.

Next call: Wednesday March 3rd, for details see the calendar at

2022-01-19 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Stefan Bischof, Tom Watson, Raymond Auge, David Bosschaert, Todor Boev

Core R9 topics:

  • Discussion about URL Handler and future Java versions. We need to find a solution and Tom has a proposal. David will ping Karl to join the discussion next time.
  • Discussion about potentially moving serviceloader into core.

Compendium R9:

  • David has prepared a requirements document for a new Feature Launcher, and goes through the document. BJ, Stefan and others have questions and suggestions. David will incorporate them for the next call.

Converter SR: there were no objections via email, so David will announce the SR to be done via osgi-dev and create an issue where progress can be tracked (created issue

Next meeting: Wednesday February 2nd, at 1600 UTC

2022-01-05 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Raymond Auge, Tom Watson David Bosschaert, Jürgen Albert

Discussion about micro version update policy, following the update to the converter.

In OSGi, the version of the artifact is the same as the version of the main Java package inside the artifact.

Discussion about the Service Release of the OSGi Converter. David will send a mail to osgi-dev about it.

There is a new requirements document for the feature launcher, but since not all who are interested in this topic are on the call, we'll keep that discussion for next time.

Next meeting: Wednesday January 19th, at 1600 UTC

2021-12-08 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Jürgen Albert, Mark Hoffmann, Stefan Bischof, Tom Watson, Tim Ward, Raymond Auge, Todor Boev

Tom discusses issue with protocol handler in the JDK, perhaps send email to OpenJDK lists to seek input about the issue.

BJ and company: Discuss github PRs & Issues

  • TCK jars mechanics are setup to be deposited into Maven Central (pending a future release)
  • discuss Eclipse Jakarta w.r.t. HTTP* specs

Next meeting: Wednesday January 5th, at 1600 UTC

2021-11-10 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Jürgen Albert, Mark Hoffmann, Stefan Bischof, David Bosschaert, Francois Papon, Tom Watson, Kai Hackbarth

Because of the end of DST we're moving the call by on hour so that its effectively at the same time as during DST for everyone going forward. This will help everyone to attend.

Scott Lewis has helped to integrate ECF into the OSGi build as an RSA implementation. All TCK tests are now regularly green.

BJ we need to start working on R9 deliverables.

Mark states that he intends to pick up the messaging spec that he worked on before for R9.

Jürgen is planning to finish the Condition Factory work.

David says that he plans to propose requirements for a Features Launcher.

Next meeting: Wednesday November 24th, at 1600 UTC (adjust for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-10-13 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Jürgen Albert, Mark Hoffmann, David Bosschaert, Tom Watson, Stefan Bischof, Todor Boev, Kai Hackbarth, Tim Ward

BJ: The compendium R8 release vote has succeeded. Apart from publishing the artifacts and updating the doc pages on the website the release is done.

BJ/Jürgen will send announcements.

We need to start looking at work items for R9.

BJ goes through the issues and PRs.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday October 27th, at 1500 UTC (adjust for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-09-29 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Raymond Augé, David Bosschaert, Tom Watson, Stefan Bischof

Scott Lewis has been working on making ECF ready to be RSA implementation for the OSGi TCK build. Tim's changes have fixed Aries RSA good enough that it generally passes. As switching implementations just before the release is risky we should prepare Compendium R8 with the current RSA implementation and then switch to ECF right after when it's done.

BJ has made a number of changes and fixes to the build.

BJ has also made a number of fixes to the Typed Event and Features specifications.

All Compendium R8 work is done.

Next step: BJ will create a Compendium R8 build and stage it. Then the spec project can vote on it.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday October 13th, at 1500 UTC (adjust for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-09-22 Call

Because not everyone could attend the Zoom call, this one was initially held over Slack instead:

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Raymond Augé, David Bosschaert, Tom Watson, Tim Ward, Mark Hoffmann, Stefan Bischof

  • CM issues are fixed
  • RSA issues are much improved. Aries RSA 1.16.1 is released which should contain the fixes. Tim has also made an improvement to the RSA TCK .

At this point we switch to the Zoom call.

BJ mentions that he found some typos in the Javadoc of the new specs. He is preparing a PR for that.

BJ also mentions that he is going to change the Maven scope of the annotations jars to 'compile' for a better build-time experience (less warnings). Lesson from this effort: it's not a good idea to use Enum types in these annotations.

Once this work is merged we should be ready for Compendium R8.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday September 29th, at 1500 UTC (adjust for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-09-15 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Raymond Augé, David Bosschaert, Jürgen Albert, Stefan Bischof, Tom Watson, Tim Ward

Tim has updated Aries RSA to more reliably pass the TCK. He has reimplemented the discovery component for this.

BJ: we need a release before we can pick it up.

Tim asks for help on the release by someone more involved in the project. David will ask Christian to see if he can help doing the release.

Discussion about the ConfigAdmin TCK tests. These still don't pass consistently. Tom/Anjum will look into it.

Features Impl/TCK and spec are done.

Typesafe events Impl/TCK and spec are done.

We are almost done with the Compendium R8 work. Only a few issues remaining.

Once we are done the Eclipse Processes tell us to go through a release review. For example for Core R8 it looked like this:

The release plan for Compendium R8 is:

BJ walks through the release process.

We'll check the progress again next week.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday September 22th, at 1500 UTC (adjust for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-09-08 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, David Bosschaert, Jürgen Albert Mark Hoffmann, Stefan Bischof, JB Onofré, Raymond Augé, Tom Watson, Tim Ward

BJ starts the meeting.

Stefan: should spec implementations embed the OSGi API or not?

BJ: in the past that was the recommendation because of the fat cmpn.jar, but nowadays we have the individual spec API jars in Maven Central so that means they should be used instead of embedding.

JB Onofré: will we still publish the fat cmpn.jar then? What would be the use for it?

There doesn't seem to be a good use for the fat API jar any more, so decision was made to no longer produce it.

Discussion about how to make sure that you get the Configuration Admin service if you just reference its API.

This should be done by requiring osgi.service or osgi.implementation capabilities.

Jürgen says that the Felix Configurator implementation may be missing that for ConfigAdmin.

Discussion about spurious TCK failures and how to address them.

For Compendium R8 we're almost there, but there is still som work to be done. Well check the status again at the next call.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday September 15th, at 1500 UTC (adjust for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-08-25 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Stefan Bischof, Tom Watson, David Bosschaert, Tim Ward, Raymond Augé

BJ: we are in Compendium R8 rampdown. All APIs should be finished by Monday. There will be an API RC build on Monday that compatible implementations can use (so they don't need to use snapshots).

Tom discussed this with the Felix community and there is no problem with using Milestone API builds.

Compatible implementations (such as Aries Type Safe Events, Felix Features, Felix SCR) can do milestone builds next week.

Stefan is planning to complete the Features and Type Safe Events TCKs by the end of this week.

All materials for spec, implementation and TCKs need to be ready by September 10, for a planned September 13 release creation, which will be submitted for review and vote.

Tim + David need to review the new TCKs.

Main risk right now are the intermittent test failures in the pre-existing TCKs. Issues have been created for these and assigned. These need to be fixed before we can do a release.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday September 8th, at 1500 UTC (adjust for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-08-04 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Stefan Bischof, Tom Watson, David Bosschaert, Tim Ward, Raymond Augé, Jürgen Albert

BJ goes over the core R8 release.

  • All process for it is done
  • The artifacts and website need to be updated

Compendium released aimed for September 13, 2021

Discussion about the release process when a compatible implementation is an external opensource implementation. For this we will need to make a milestone release API into Maven central and then do a milestone implementation release based on that. Snapshot releases are not good as they are not persistent.

Tom will talk to the Felix community about this. Hopefully Aries and Sling (where the process isn't as strictly defined) will follow what is being discussed for Felix.

Discussion about Features.

  • David to create an issue about immutable maps
  • David to check that extensions throw the appropriate exception when they are approached with the wrong kind

Aim to have the API RC/Milestone builds by the end of August.

Discussion about Type Safe events.

Meeting finished.

2021-06-23 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Kai Hackbarth, Mark Hoffmann, Stefan Bischof, Tom Watson, David Bosschaert, Tim Ward, Raymond Augé, Karl Pauls, James Hunt, Todor Boev, Jürgen Albert

BJ talks about doing the Core R8 release in Eclipse. BJ walks through the wiki that outline what will be released.

Main change will be the license. The existing R8 release artifacts already in Maven Central don't need to be updated.

Going through the Compendium R8 project plan.

Going through the PRs in the project. Discussion about requirements and capabilities for the features spec and other issues/PRs in relation to this.

Regular CT failures are assigned to individuals to fix.

Meeting finished.

2021-06-09 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, David Bosschaert, Tim Ward, Jürgen Albert, Mark Hoffmann, Stefan Bischof, Vladimir Nikolov, Raymond Augé, Karl Pauls

BJ has a clash at the start of the meeting. We are waiting with the main meeting until BJ is available.

Vladimir mentions that he intends to pursue the Resource Enforcement work as soon as he has time, but starting on a design document.

As we are going to do a Converter 1.1 spec, will we make other changes to it too? David: perhaps support Records that are now in Java 17. BJ outlines that supporting a feature in Java 17 will require a rethink on how we run the TCK as the TCK is normally run with Java 8. Tim and others have some ideas on how this could be done. BJ we'll have this problem too when we are going to support newer versions of Jakarta EE. It seems that supporting multiple JRE versions in the TCK is a problem we'll have to solve in any case. For records support in the converter: this is a bigger issue that should be looked at holistically (events, DTOs, injection in addition to the converter). #108

BJ mentions that cmpn has some flaky tests, that prevent us from having a clean CI/CD run. BJ will create issues for the suites that need stabilisation.

BJ goes through the release plan.

BJ mentions that the TCK license is being discussed by the steering committee.

BJ mentions that he is looking into pushing the Core R8 release through the Eclipse Release Process. Partly as an exercise, but also because this is required if OSGi ever needs to do a patch release on any of the components.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday June 23th, at 1500 UTC (correct for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-05-26 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, David Bosschaert, James Hunt, Tom Watson, Tim Ward, Todor Boev, Jürgen Albert, Kai Hackbarth

Discussion about Typesafe Events. Will it be ready for the R8 Compendium Release? Tim: yes and Data in Motion will be helping with the TCK.

David asks about the process for contributing the Converter implementation from Felix. The Felix community is happy for the Converter to live on in the OSGi codebase. BJ/Tom: create a PR first, then request a CQ from Eclipse Legal.

Discussion about various bugs/issues.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday June 9th, at 1500 UTC (correct for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-05-12 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Tom Watson, James Hunt, Jürgen Albert, Ray Augé, David Bosschaert, Todor Boev, Mark Hoffmann, Kai Hackbarth, Karl Pauls

BJ goes throught the R8 Compendium plan:

Jürgen says that he would like to get the Condition Factory Spec in there too. It's currently not in the plan because the design phase has not yet completed, but it's still fine to make progress on that spec. If it turns out to be ready in time it might be possible to add it to the release.

Concern about the Typed Event Spec. There is a spec chapter and there is an implementation at Apache Aries however it's unclear if this is all up to date and whether there is anyone who will work on the TCK. Tim is not on the call, BJ will contact Tim.

Target is to complete specwork (which includes Impl and TCK) by September 13, 2021.

Discussion about how to handle releasing compatible implementations from opensource communities like Apache and Eclipse for a spec that is not yet released. The Eclipse process requires there to be a compatible implementation. At least some communities (for example Apache Felix) have a rule that it cannot release component for non-finalized OSGi specifications. So this is a circular dependency that needs to be solved.

BJ: a snapshot release as is done by open source projects is not suitable as it's not permanent. It would be best if the opensource community could do milestone releases for non-final specs. These would be permanent and can then be used for the compatible implementation condition at Eclipse.

We should propose this to the respective opensource communities where implementations are done.

Discussion about various bugs/issues.

James brings up Resource Enforcer spec work. Kai did not yet confirm that the requirements vote during the OSGi days had completed. Kai has left the call already. BJ will ping Kai.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday May 26th, at 1500 UTC (correct for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-04-28 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Tom Watson, Todor Boev, Mark Hoffmann, Karl Pauls, David Bosschaert, Ray Augé, James Hunt

BJ mentions that Tim Ward is now a committer, as can be seen here:

Mark mentions that Stefan Bischof is willing to help with the TCK for the Features Spec. As Stefan is not (yet) a committer, BJ assigned the TCK issue ( to Mark. Stefan can contribute in the usual OpenSource way by filing PRs and issues.

Discussion about how often we can do releases of artifacts. There are 2 converter implementations that stem from the same origin, the Felix one and the OSGi one. As they were originally the same codebase it's a problem to keep them in sync. It would be nice if we could collapse them to a single project again. Question is: how often can we release artifacts? BJ says:

  • If the release is a bugfix (i.e. a micro version update) then a lightweight release process can be used.
  • If the release is a change to the API the spec release process must be used.

Discussion about various issues in

It looks like the Messaging spec will not yet be ready for Compendium R8, so it's taken off the plan for the moment.

BJ is pulling together the plan for Compendium R8.

James brings up Resource Enforcement (RFP 189). It looks like this RFP has been voted on and accepted during the OSGi Alliance days. Kai Hackbarth will confirm on the issue: James is planning to work on the technical design for this spec in the near future.

Meeting finished. Next meeting: Wednesday May 12th, at 1500 UTC (correct for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-04-14 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, James Hunt, Tim Ward, Ray Augé, Jürgen Albert, Tom Watson, Todor Boev, David Bosschaert, Mark Hoffmann

Discussion about planning for Compendium R8.

BJ put the Messaging work on a new design branch as per the Contribution Guidelines.

The spec that have the design phase finished need 3 issues in the github project:

  • one for the spec chapter
  • one for the TCK
  • one for the compliant implementation. For this one the assignee is not necessarily the person doing the work but rather the person ensuring that the work is being done somewhere.

James mentions the Resource Enforcement work. It seems that the requirements for this are done, but no design has been proposed yet. James will start on the technical design for this.

Going through issues relating to Compendium R8

When will we do Compendium R8? Aim for the end of Q3, 2021.

Discussion about the Converter implementation. Currently there are 2 variants of the same implementation: one in Apache Felix and one in OSGi. As it's a util spec, OSGi directly provides the implementation. It would be good to merge these back into 1 implementation as they originate from the same codebase. Question arises: if this component becomes part of OSGi@Eclipse, can we release it as often as we like? For example for bugfixes? BJ will find out.

BJ created a new Core R9 project and updated the Compendium R8 project.

Next meeting: Wednesday April 28th, at 1500 UTC (correct for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-03-31 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, Kai Hackbarth, Tim Ward, Ray Augé, Jürgen Albert, Tom Watson, Todor Boev, David Bosschaert

BJ goes through the specification process from the file.

Discussion of vote rules. -1 votes must be accompanied by an explanation.

BJ goes through the project plan.

  • Add Messaging

Discussing issues/bugs.

Discussion about Initial Provisioning ( #155 ). General consensus is that this spec does not need to be included in the specs going forward, unless someone requests to bring it back.

Next meeting: Wednesday April 14th, at 1500 UTC (correct for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

2021-03-17 Call

Attendees: BJ Hargrave, James Hunt, David Bosschaert, Tom Watson, Tim Ward, Kai Hackbarth, Ray Augé, Todor Boev, Jürgen Albert, Karl Pauls, Mark Hoffman

This is the first OSGi Specification Project call held at Eclipse.

BJ opens the meeting.

Question: what do we do with existing OSGi Compendium R8 specs that are in-flight?

We need to create issues for each of these specs in the project which point to where the work is going on.

Requirements, design and API will be done in a branch on the main osgi/osgi repository. Requirements and design will be done in Markdown or Asciidoc files on this branch. People can file PRs on these and they automatically get rendered by github.

[after meeting edit: diagrams can be included via plant uml embedding in either format, see for an example]

Action for everyone involved in an OSGi R8 compendium spec chapter:

  • create a pointer issue for your spec in flight


Tom suggests to post an agenda in advance of this meeting going forward.

Meeting finished.

Next meeting: Wednesday March 31st, at 1500 UTC (correct for your own timezone / daylight saving time)

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