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Osqledaren Angular

An Angular 2 app that provides a rich and dynamic web experience for news reading, pod listening and video-cast watching. Succeeded the old WordPress public front-end in web 16/17.

Original authors: Tedy Warsitha, Emma Bäckström, Simóne Perrone, Ah-Zau Marang and Thomas Vakili

Contributors: Ramón Burri


  • NPM (TODO: switch to yarn as package manager)
  • Angular CLI (install with npm install --global @angular/cli)
  • for deployment (install with npm install --global surge)


  • Typescript
  • SCSS
  • HTML

Installing and Running

  1. Clone and run npm install.
  2. Run the app locally with npm run start.
  3. Deploy the app with npm run deploy. Read the deployment section for more information.

If you have followed all the steps you can enjoy an easy and password-less deployment with the flick of a command every time you choose to update the application.

Development server

Run npm run start to start a server listening to production backend. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

You can also run ng serve with the --environment flag to use a certain configuration. i.e. Running in production means that you need to use --environment="staging", in order for the app to fetch data from the staging CMS. See more about this in the official angular documentation.

The pre-configured command npm run start-dev is available if you prefer to use a development backend. Currently it will listen to Refer to the environments.ts file for more details. (TODO: use process.env for variables instead of hard-coded variables inside ts files)


You are required to have been authorized to access to the team domain with your account. Don't forget to login via the CLI if you haven't done it yet. The official account for is

Run npm run deploy to deploy the app to production.

Note: Due to an unresolved issue (perhaps DNS issues) at campus with the app not being updated after deployment, a temporary fix that uploads the built project to the old server at Webfaction is included as a script (that runs on deployment). You might have to enter the password to Osqledarens account at Webfaction whenever you deploy the app. In order to avoid entering the password every time you can do the classic ssh-copy-id trick, like so:


If you haven't generated a ssh-key pair previously you can do it with ssh-keygen. Using ssh keys is the recommended way, as it provides much higher security and you are relieved of having to enter passwords that can be stolen in various ways.

Angular CLI

This project was generated with angular-cli version 1.0.0-beta.14 and is currently running on 1.0.0-beta.19-3.

Angular CLI enables rapid prototyping with code scaffolding that will generate any necessary files and hook these up accordingly in the app module.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class.

Further help with Angular CLI

To get more help on the angular-cli use ng --help or go check out the Angular-CLI README.