Loads the UI and takes care of user sessions. Communicates with all other microservices.
Handles user profile creation, as well as login & logout.
Description: Creates a new user account
Method: POST
Example input:
uuid: String,
name: String,
email: String,
phone: String,
gender: String,
dob: String,
eid: String,
password: String
Description: Authenticates a user
Method: POST
Example input:
email: String,
password: String
Description: Returns a list of all users
Method: GET
Handles creation, management, and retrieval of a user's banking accounts.
Description: Creates a new user account
Method: POST
Example input:
uuid: String,
type: String,
currency: String,
The parameter uuid links the account to a user's unique identifier. Type has to be one of the following: current, savings, credit, prepaid
Description: Retrieves a user's accounts
Method: POST
Example input:
uuid: String
Description: Deposits an amount to a user's account
Method: POST
Example input:
number: String,
amount: Number
The parameter number references an account
Description: Withdraws an amount from a user's account
Method: POST
Example input:
number: String,
amount: Number
Description: Drops the accounts collection
Method: GET
Handles creation and retrieval of transactions
Description: Creates a new transaction
Method: POST
Example input:
uuid: String,
amount: String,
currency: String,
description: String,
date: String,
category: String
Category has to be one of the following:
- groceries
- eating_out
- transport
- bills
- expenses
- cash
- holidays
Description: Retrieves a user's transactions
Method: POST
Example input:
uuid: String
Description: Drops the transactions collection
Method: GET
Handles creation, payment, and retrieval of bills
Description: Creates a new bill
Method: POST
Example input:
uuid: String,
category: String,
entity: String,
account_no: String,
amount: String,
date: String
Category has to be one of the following:
- utilities
- home_entertainment
- mobile_phone
- credit_card
Description: Retrieves a user's bills
Method: POST
Example input:
uuid: String
Description: Drops the bills collection
Method: GET
Handles communication with Watson Assistant on IBM Cloud to enable a dummy support chat feature.
Simulates a fake userbase for the app. Periodically loops through all user accounts and adds randomized bills and transactions for them.