let targetElement_001 = document.querySelector(`:root > body`);
let div_001 = document.createElement('div');
let text_001 = document.createTextNode(`I am a `);
let strong_001 = document.createElement('strong');
let text_002 = document.createTextNode(`tea pot`);
has several options that can be used in a console here is an example of use below
Usage: jsgenerator [-chtV] [-qs] [-e=<extension>]
[-k=<variableDeclaration>] [--path-pattern=<pathPattern>]
tegy>] [-i=<inlineContents>...]... [<paths>...]
Translating files, stdin or inline from HTML to JS
[<paths>...] file paths to translate content, parsed as HTML
-c, --comment optional comments
-e, --ext=<extension> output files' extension
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i, --inline=<inlineContents>...
args as HTML content, not files
Pattern for inline output filename
-k, --keyword=<variableDeclaration>
variable declaration keyword
pattern for path-based output filenames
-qs, --query-selector
What the browser renders depends on whether "document.
querySelector(':root > body')" is added to the
output. If added, the browser will render the
output successfully, it is useful for debugging
to verify that the js output matches what the
html input does.
If not, if the user tries to run the output as
it is then the browser will not be able to render,
it will show a blank page.
So, it depends on what the user wants to do with
the output.
"https://jsfiddle.net/", "https://codepen.
io/pen/" and Browser Console help to give a quick
-s, --selector=<targetElementSelector>
Target element selector
pattern for stdin output filenames
-t, --tty output to stdin, not files
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Variable names generation strategy