This is a frontend to run assesments for the fathom-network.
Install all dependencies:
npm i
Make sure your Metamask is set to the kovan or rinkeby testnet, then serve the frontend by running
npm run dev
If you don't have ganache install it with:
npm i -g ganache-cli
Fire up ganache with the seedwords of your Metamask instance
ganache-cli -m 'your twelve seed words should be here in bla bla blub'
- Deploy the contracts by running
npm run deploy-testnet
Use the script to create assessments in new concepts
node scripts/create2concepts2assessments.js
You can also pass 'kovan' or 'rinkeby' as an argument to create the concepts and assessments on the respective testnet.
On you local testnet (only!), you can also run assessments (new ones or existing ones) until a given stage, e.g. to have 5 assessors commit the scores four 90's and a 70:
node scripts/completeAssessment -s commit 90,90,90,90,70
See the comments in the first lines of completeAssessment.js for more options.
NB: On a testnet, you can deploy contracts and create example concepts and assessments with a one line script:
npm run full-deploy-testnet
- deploys contracts
- creates 2 concepts and 2 assessments
- creates assessments ran until each possible step, for testing purposes
To contribute to this project...
- check out our contribution guide to see how you we work together,
- talk to us on gitter or
- send an email to if you would like to get in contact.
We follow Standard JS style guide.
To use its linter, run the following command:
npm run lint
This will check all JavaScript files in the current working directory and call attention to any code that needs fixing.