This is the minimal code Aragon-cli needs to do its shit magic.
Deploys a DAO kit with Voting app and Token Manager.
Ready to start more complex projects.
To install everything needed:
- Option 1:
npm i -g @aragon/cli && aragon init myapp ottodevs/the-barest
- Option 2:
git clone && npm i
To deploy the DAO kit and open in the Aragon Wrapper App:
npm start
- Migrations folders and files are not needed for the kit deployment
- Aragon client and other heavy deps are not needed
- Truffle config, manifest and arapp are mandatory, otherwise aragon-cli will fail
- Manifest.json data fields are mandatory, but content is not needed at all, since the app is not being actually deployed
- Arapp.json appName, path and roles are mandatory (roles must be an array, but can be empty)
- No scripts needed at all in package.json
- No app or other folders besides contract folder are needed to work
- I tried to implement Kit as an AragonApp inherit contract to get rid of App.sol, but does not work because conflicts with Kit constructor (maybe doable if you are a solidity ninja)